The conical, bottom part of the spinal cord.
What is the Conus Medularis?
How many types of neuroglia there are in the CNS.
What is 4.
Type of neuron with many cellular processes or extensions.
What is multipolar neurons?
Division of the nervous system that contains the brain.
What is the CNS? (Central Nervous System)
The butterfly shaped, dark area of the spinal cord cross section.
What is the gray matter?
Coverings around the Brain and Spinal Cord.
What are the meninges.
Myelinated part of the spinal cord.
What is the white matter?
The most common type of CNS neuroglia.
What is Astrocyte?
Extensions of the neuron that receive information.
What are dendrites?
Senses that are part of the PNS like smell, hearing, sight, and taste.
What are the special senses?
The area of the spinal cord that contains CSF.
What is the central canal?
Its the delicate covering of the spinal cord.
What is the Pia mater?
It is the horse tail-like extensions of the spinal cord.
What is the Cauda Equina?
One of the two neuroglia that makes myelin.
What are Schwann cells (or Oligodendrocytes)?
Location of the nucleus of the neuron.
What is the cell body?
Division of the nervous system that contains the spinal/mixed nerves.
What is the PNS? (Peripheral nervous system)
The nerve root that leaves the spinal cord to travel to a muscle or gland.
What is the ventral root?
Space containing Adipose tissue that surrounds the dura matter.
What is the Epidural space?
The vertebra that surround the most inferior part of the spinal cord.
What are the lumbar vertebra?
Outermost covering/wrapping of the myelin sheath in the PNS.
What is the neurilemma.
Part of the neuron that may be covered by a myelin sheath.
What is the axon?
Nerve root that contains the sensory neuron.
What is the dorsal root?
"Bump" containing cell bodies of the sensory neurons.
What is the Dorsal Root Ganglion?
Space between the innermost and middle meninge.
What is the Subarachnoid space?
The fluid inside the central canal of the spinal cord.
What is CSF? (Cerebrospinal Fluid)
Type of CNS neuroglial cell that produces and circulates CSF.
What is ependymal cells?
Special form of Rough ER found in the neuron.
What is Nissl Bodies?
Division of the nervous system that contains the structure at the pointer.
What is the CNS? (Central nervous system)
The Central Canal is surrounded by this type of matter.
What is the gray matter?
Meninge with a "spider-web-like" appearance.
What is the arachnoid mater.