X Marks the Spot
Time it Just Right!
Delightful Division
Great Geometry!
The process of combining equal groups to find out how many in all.
What is multiplication?
There are 60 seconds in this unit of time. There are 60 of these in one hour.
What is a minute?
Another way to say Number form. Each number has a special place value. Ex. 145, 237 is written in _____________ form.
What is standard?
Separating objects into equal groups.
What is division?
When two shapes are the same size and the same shape.
What is congruent?
The answer to a multiplication problem.
What is a product?
One fourth of an hour is called a __________________. There are 15 minutes in a _____________ of an hour.
What is a quarter?
A way to write numbers showing each place value worth. Ex: 5, 000 + 700 + 80 + 4
What is expanded form?
The number that is divided by the other number. Ex. 24 / 6 = 24 is the ___________.
What is a dividend?
A four sided shape is called a _______________.
What is a quadrilateral?
The numbers in a multiplication problem that show how many are in a group or the number of groups. Ex. 4 x 6 = 24 The numbers 4 and 6 are called _________.
What are factors?
If the minute hand is on the six and the hour hand is on the 4, instead of saying it is 4:30, we can say it is _______ ______ 4.
What is half past?
A way to write numbers using words. Ex. one thousand, seven hundred and eighty three
What is word form.
The number that another number is divided by?
What is 24 / 6 = ? 6 is the _______________.
A four sided shape. All sides are congruent, opposite sides are parallel. There are four right angles.
What is a square?
The arrangement of objects in rows and columns.
What is an array?
The amount of time that comes between the start and end of an activity.
What is elapsed time?
How would you write 45, 918 in expanded form?
What is 40,000 + 5,000 + 900 + 10 + 8
The answer to a division problem.
What is a quotient?
A four sided shape that has opposite sides that are congruent, opposite sides are parallel. There are 2 acute angles and 2 obtuse angles.
What is a parallelogram.
A set of related multiplication and division facts. We also use this term for a set of related subtraction and division facts. Ex. 4 + 5 = 9 3 x 4 = 12 5 + 4 = 9 4 x 3 = 12 9 - 5 = 4 12 / 4 = 3 9 - 4 = 5 12 / 3 = 4
What is a fact family?
If the minute hand is pointing to the 11, and the hour hand is almost to the 9. What time is it?
What is 8:55?
What is the standard form for eight hundred and ninety nine thousand and four hundred and sixty five?
What is 899,465?
The amount left over when a number can't be divided equally.
What is a remainder?
Any closed shape with 3 or more straight sides.
What is a polygon?