What are the two types of cattle, bos ___ and bos ___
Taurus and Indicus
Bonus: What is the difference, what are some examples?
What is the most popular breed of swine in the U.S.? They have ERECT EARS and white bodies
The ideal pastern angle in a horse is:
45 degrees
What are dual purpose sheep breeds used for?
wool and meat
Which animal is the largest species of ruminant?
Bonus: What is the smallest ruminant?
What is the normal position for delivery when a calf is born?
Front feet first and followed by the head
What is the average BREEDING AGE of a gilt?
6-8 months
What unit is used for measurement with equine?
Bonus: How much is a hand?
What is refined wool grease?
What are the long, curved feathers on a rooster's tail?
Sickle feathers
Bonus: What other features are unique on a rooster versus a hen?
What is the name for the problem that can occur when cattle are pregnant with twins? What does this problem cause?
Freemartin Cattle
Can result in infertility. When a heifer twin shares the uterus with a bull fetus, they also share the placental membranes connecting the fetuses with the dam. This allows the heifer calf to absorb some of the hormones of the male calf and grow to develop male secondary characteristics.
Average weight of a market hog?
Between 275-280lbs
Bonus: What age is the average hog sent to market at?
Which breed of horse has one less pair of ribs than other breeds of horses?
What is the first thing that needs to be done once a lamb is born?
Clean the nostrils and mouth (from uterine membrane) to allow the newborn lamb to breathe
If a rabbit has a dewlap, where is it?
Under the chin
Hint: same area as a cow!
How long is the estrous cycle of bovine?
21 days
What factor can positively effect dressing percent in swine but will negatively effect carcass grade?
Excessive fat needs to be trimmed, fat is in less demand and results in profit loss, it is indicative of feed waste (too much fed to animal)
What organ in horses is responsible for fermentation?
Hint: they are HIND-GUT fermenters
About what percent of the live weight of a lamb becomes boneless lamb meat?
What does cutability mean?
The yield of closely trimmed retail cuts from major wholesale cuts of a carcass
Bonus: What is the best yield grade for cutability?
What are the technical names for the hooks and pins of cattle?
Ilium and Ischium
What type of estrous cycle do swine have?
Hint: Its the same as cattle
A Cogging's test is used to diagnose which equine disease?
Equine Infectious Anemia
What disease currently effecting the sheep industry affects the CNS and has no known cure?
What is the name of the third eyelid in cats?
Nictitating membrane