Place Value
What is the value of the 3 in the following number, two billion, three hundred forty thousand, two?
three hundred thousand
The total mass of three melons was 3.26 kilograms. If the Kiwi was 0.87 kg, and the Honeydew was 1.4 kg, what was the mass of the Watermelon?
0.99 kg
Cody is going to Texas from Florida. if Florida is 303,600.60 miles away and Cody has driven 600.45 miles what is the best estimate of how many miles he has left?
303,000 miles
What is the missing factor? 12 x ______ = 204
There are 128 students in band at the High School. They were told to form groups of 16 on the football field. How many groups were formed?
8 groups
Look at the phone number below 1 - 867 - 555 - 5309 If I arrange the numbers from greatest to least, what digit will be in the hundred millions place?
The orange juice glass held 2.5 fluid ounces. The pineapple juice glass held 0.75 fluid ounces. The mango juice glass held 1.95 fluid ounces. How much more could the orange juice glass hold than the pineapple juice glass?
1.75 fluid ounces
While looking for metal, a miner found 4.87 ounces of gold, 5.3 ounces of silver, and 5.96 ounces of platinum. What is the best estimate of the total amount of metals the miner found?
16 ounces
Mr. Woods has 8 cats and 10 dogs. If Mr. Woods sells every cat he owns for $39 and every dog he owns for $69 how much money will he receive?
There were 96 seashells, 192 glass beads, 144 dried noodles, 72 drinking straws, and 120 cloth swatches for art class. If there are 12 students in the art class and they divide the items equally, how many items will each student get?
52 items
Write a number that has a 8 in the tens place and a 7 in the ten millions place
Multiple correct answers.
I weighed 2,085 pounds. When Mario stands on the scale with me we both weigh 2,268 pounds. How much does Mario weigh?
183 pounds
Percy Jackson is riding his bike to New Jersey. If New Jersey is 303,040 miles away and he rode his bike 40,040 miles so far, what is the best estimate of how many miles he hasleft?
There are 260,000 miles left.
Audrey and Dana checked out novels from the library this morning. Audrey will read 22 pages each day for the next 12 days and finish her novel. Dana will read 16 pages each day for the next 16 days and finish her novel. How many more pages long is Audrey's novel than Dana's novel?
8 pages
After baseball practice today, Gergorio has to place all of the baseballs into buckets. Each bucket can hold no more than 32 balls. What is the least number of buckets that Gergorio will need to hold 200 baseballs?
7 buckets
DAILY DOUBLE!!!! Who is the most awesome teacher you've ever had?
Mr. Nesloney, DUH!
The number of gifts given last year was 113,383.28. If the amount given decreases by 25,500.38 gifts, what will be the total number of gifts given?
87,882.90 gifts
Evie went to the store and bought five toys for fifty dollars and ninety nine cents each and two pares of shoes for sixtey two fortey eight cents about how much money did they spend?
The cafeteria at Montoya Elementary has 26 tables. Fourteen of the tables seat 16 students each and the rest of the tables seat 12 students each. What is the maximum number of students that can sit at the tables in the cafeteria at one time?
368 students
A local recreation center offers classes to students after school on Fridays. The recreation center charges $7 for dance classes, $13 for pottery classes, and $9 for robotics classes. Kelly will spend $80 this spring on classes. She will take the pottery class one time and the robotics class two times. She will spend the rest of her money on dance classes. What is the greatest number of dance classes she can take?
7 dance classes