This relative held Ness and her mother at gunpoint.
Who is her brother? (Justin)
The number of cults Ness has been in.
What is 2?
What Ness does for her job at Stage Oconee.
What is Social Media and Graphic Design?
This is Ness's favorite color.
What is Yellow?
This is Ness's favorite video game (must include the FULL name).
What is "Five Nights at Freddy's: Sister Location"?
Getting kicked out of college caused Ness to do this.
What is move back to Athens?
For 5 years of her life, Ness was this religion.
What is Jewish?
This was Ness's first show at Brightstone (now the Stage Oconee).
What is Beauty and the Beast?
This is Ness's favorite type of cuisine.
What is Chinese food?
The number of hours Ness has put into Stardew Valley. (the closest answer without going over wins)
What is 680?
This person was Ness's best friend for 7 years before a traumatic split forced them apart.
Who is Kai?
The grade Ness was in when she stood on a cafeteria table at school and professed she was a Christian that could speak in tongues.
What is the 7th grade?
This person introduced Ness to Brightstone (now The Stage Oconee).
Who is Coley Warren?
This is Ness's least favorite show that we have performed at the studio.
What is "God Bless Us Every One"?
This was Ness's favorite childhood video game that she played on the GameCube.
What is Super Monkey Ball?
The place that Ness had her last meal before spending a week in the mental hospital.
What is Texas Roadhouse?
The number of times PER WEEK that Ness attended Church 316.
What is 4?
The number of shows that Ness has been in as a cast member.
What is 6?
This is Ness's favorite holiday.
What is the 4th of July?
This is Ness's discord username.
What is "ImNess"?
The show that was being performed at The Stage when Ness found out her parents had gotten divorced.
What is Puffs?
Ness's youth pastor's response when she cried into his arms and told him that she was gay.
What is "No you're not"?
Ness's dream role. (We have not and likely will not do the show).
Who is Paulette in Legally Blonde?
This is Ness's least favorite circus act.
What is a contortionist?
This was Ness's TEAMSPEAK username.
What is "Epically_MEXICAN"?