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I am 8-Bit

An icon or figure representing a particular person in video games

Who is your avatar?


This mechanic allows you to change the behavior of your computer opponents

What is difficulty?


The developer of Slalom, R.C Pro-AM, and Wizards and Warriors

Who is Rare?


Usually recorded at the end of every Podcast. Plays after the end song.

What is the Post-Show?


If you want to defeat Dracula in this game, you'll need more than just garlic. Perhaps a Whip would be best.

What is Castlevania?


This gambling feature is hidden behind one clue in the Jeopardy! round, and two in Double Jeopardy!

What is the Daily Double?


This mechanic is the only way to answer questions in this NES game

What is typing your responses?


The name of the very first Jeopardy Video Game

What is Jeopardy?


The 50th and 100th episodes of NEStalgia

What are Rygar and MLB?


King Slender, Starman, and The Amazon are all characters in this fighting game

What is Pro Wrestling?


A class or division of people or things regarded as having particular shared characteristics

What are categories?


This mechanic is the only way computer opponents can get a question wrong

What is providing a nonsensical answer?


Like host Alec Trebek, the game developer Rare is not from the USA. Instead of being a Canadian citizen they reside in this country

What is the UK?


This game's manual had a unique story that we turned into a Radio Play on the show

What is Sqoon?


In Arkanoid, you control a spaceship named this in order to break the alien blocks. An NES accessory of the same name was also released.

What is The Vaus?


A plan of action or policy designed to achieve a major or overall aim.

What is Strategy?


In a game of real jeopardy sometimes this mechanic causes contestants to be unable to answer all questions on the board

What is the timer?


The number of additional Jeopardy games on the NES

What is two?


The first game chronologically to be removed from the Essential Games List

What is Excitebike?


In Kung-Fu you have to work your way through five stages if you want to save this character who happens to be your girlfriend. Legend has it if you beat the game 50 times, you can play as her.

Who is Sylvia?


This round features a single clue and requires contestants to wager their money before receiving the question

What is Final Jeopardy


This mechanic allows for additional players to join in on the fun of Jeopardy

What is Multiplayer?


The number of Game Show games Rare made for the NES

What is Nine?


This other podcast is sometimes recorded during NEStalgia and does not feature the host

What is Mics without Mike?


The subtitle of the only video game sequel that has had both it's games appear on the NES so far. To make matters more confusing, the subtitle was the ONLY title in the Arcade release.

What is Victory Road?