This brother sold his birthright to his younger brother for a bowl of stew, illustrating a poor valuation of something priceless.
Who is Esau (Genesis 25: 29-34)
This person encouraged early christians to remain strong in their faith and to encourage one another, urging them to stir up love and good works.
Who is Paul (Hebrews 10:24-25)
This prophet was sent by God to deliver a message of repentance to the city of Nineveh.
Who is Jonah? (Jonah 1:2)
This leader led the Israelites into the Promised Land, overseeing the conquest of Jericho with God's miraculous intervention.
Who is Joshua? (Joshua 6:1-20)
This book in the New Testament addresses how Christians should correct and restore those caught in sin, focusing on the spirit of gentleness.
What is Galatians? (Galatians 6:1-2)
Jesus compares the Kingdom of Heaven to a merchant who sells all is possessions to purchase this valuable object.
What is a pearl of great price (Matthew 13:45-46)
This person encouraged Joshua by staying with him and standing beside him, offering support as they led the Israelites into the Promised land.
Who is Caleb ( Numbers 13:30; Joshua 14:6-9)
After fleeing from God’s command, Jonah was swallowed by this creature while at sea.
What is a great fish or whale? (Jonah 1:17)
This king of Israel defeated the Philistine giant Goliath with a slingshot, leading Israel to victory and earning national fame.
Who is David? (1 Samuel 17:40-50)
In this story, this person rebuked King Ahab and his wife Jezebel for their wickedness and idolatry, warning them of God's judgment
Who is Elijah? (1 Kings 21:17-24)
This woman gleaned in the fields of Boaz, who later bought the land and redeemed her family inheritance.
Who is Ruth ( Ruth 4:9-10)
This Person encouraged the Israelites to be strong and courageous when rebuilding the temple in Jerusalem after the Babylonian exile.
Who is Zerubbabel ( Haggi 2:4-5; Zechariah 4:6-10)
Jonah initially attempted to escape God's mission by boarding a ship heading to this city, located in the opposite direction of Nineveh.
What is Tarshish? (Jonah 1:3)
This judge and leader led Israel to victory over the Midianites with a small army of 300 men, demonstrating God's power.
Who is Gideon? (Judges 7:19-22)
In this story, this person was corrected by the vision of a sheet with unclean animals, teaching him to no longer call Gentiles unclean.
Who is Peter? (Acts 10:9-16)
This brother sold Joseph to a group of Ishmaelites for twenty pieces of silver.
Who is Judah (Genesis 37:28)
This king sent a letter of encouragement to the people of Judah after the defeat of the northern kingdom of Israel, calling them to return to the Lord.
Who is Hezekiah (2 Chronicles 30:6-9)
Jonah eventually obeyed God's command and went to Nineveh, proclaiming that the city would be destroyed in this many days.
What is 40 days? (Jonah 3:4)
This woman led Israel in a time of oppression, encouraging Barak to fight against the Canaanite army and achieving victory."
Who is Deborah? (Judges 4:4-24)
This person corrected the Israelites for worshiping a golden calf, calling them to repentance and obedience to God's commands."
Who is Moses? (Exodus 32:19-35)
In the book of Leviticus, a person could be redeemed for a set amount of money based on age and gender; the price for a man between 20 and 60 years old was this amount of silver.
What is 50 shekels (Leviticus 27:3)
This prophet encouraged King Jehoshaphat when the king feared a battle against three armies, reminding him that the battle belonged to the Lord.
Who is Jehaziel? (2 Chronicles 20:15-17)
Upon hearing Jonah’s warning, the people of Nineveh did this in response to God's message.
What is repent? (Jonah 3:5-9)
This king of Persia issued a decree that allowed the Israelites to return to Jerusalem and rebuild the temple, fulfilling God's prophecy through Jeremiah
Who is Cyrus? (Ezra 1:1-4)
This king of Judah was guided by the prophet Zechariah to follow God's law, and after his guidance, he prospered."
Who is King Uzziah? (2 Chronicles 26:5)"