Defense in Depth
Network Security
Defense in Depth Too
Risk Management
Physical Security

An organization employs firewalls, intrusion detection systems, and encryption to secure its network. This strategy exemplifies this comprehensive security approach.

What is Defense in Depth?


A hospital implements policies to ensure patient records are only accessible by attending physicians and nursing staff, showcasing the importance of this principle from the CIA triad.

What is Confidentiality?


A university centralizes its Wi-Fi network login credentials and usage monitoring through this protocol, aimed at simplifying user management for its extensive campus network.

What is Radius?


The practice of identifying and analyzing potential threats to determine their impact on an organization.

What is risk assessment?


Environmental barriers like these are first-line defenses against unauthorized access to a facility.

What are fences?


After detecting a phishing attack, an organization's additional security measures prevent the attacker from gaining further access due to this specific type of security control, which requires verification beyond just a username and password. What is this control called?

What is multifactor authentication?


An organization requires a network setup that allows for every device to have a direct connection to every other device without the need for a central device to manage connections. This is to ensure maximum redundancy and reliability. Which topology should be used in this scenario?

What is confidentiality?


A software development company utilizes this protocol similar to Active Directory to manage user access across its distributed systems, ensuring secure and efficient data retrieval and update capabilities.

What is LDAP


The technique of intercepting and modifying communications between two parties without their knowledge.

What is an On Path (Man in the Middle) Attack?


This security measure involves having trained personnel to monitor and respond to threats actively.

What are security guards?


When a software development company employs separate systems for development, testing, and production environments to prevent potential breaches from affecting live user data, it's practicing this security principle. What is this principle known as?

What is segmentation?


After authentication, this process determines the resources and operations that the authenticated user can access.

 What is authorization?


A Cisco-developed protocol that supports AAA and separates authentication, authorization, and accounting processes.

What is TACACS+


To ensure business continuity in the event of a major disaster, a company develops a plan that includes backup sites, recovery procedures, and roles and responsibilities. This plan is critical for what aspect of risk management?

What is disaster recovery planning?


A secured entry point that requires authentication to pass through, effectively controlling access to sensitive areas.

What is an access control vestibule (mantrap)?


A university's IT department implements a system where both software and physical security measures are regularly updated and checked for vulnerabilities. This proactive approach is an example of what kind of security practice?

What is continuous monitoring and maintenance?


The CIA triad in cybersecurity stands for these three key principles.

What are Confidentiality, Integrity, and Availability?


In deploying a new secure corporate network, an IT team chooses this wrapper protocol to accommodate various authentication methods across different devices and platforms.

What is EAP


A retail corporation analyzes the potential fallout from a data breach, including customer trust and financial losses, to prioritize its cybersecurity initiatives. This analysis is known as what?

What is threat assessment?


This type of cloud solution is provided by a third party, offloading management details but potentially introducing security concerns.

What is a public cloud?


An organization uses encrypted connections for data transfer, firewalls to monitor inbound and outbound traffic, and anti-malware tools to inspect the content for threats. This combination of tools is used to protect what aspect of the CIA triad most directly?

What is confidentiality?


After noticing irregular traffic patterns, a network administrator implements a set of rules to control incoming and outgoing network traffic based on predetermined security policies. This measure helps to prevent unauthorized access to the network. What is this security measure called?

What is a firewall?


A secure government facility implements this network access control mechanism, requiring all devices to authenticate through a RADIUS server before gaining access to internal resources.

What is 802.1X?


To validate the effectiveness of its new firewall settings, an IT department simulates an external cyber attack. This action is a practical example of what type of security testing?

What is Penetration Testing?


This agreement outlines the responsibilities of both the cloud service provider and the customer, ensuring services and data are properly secured.

What is a Service Level Agreement (SLA)?