By the Numbers
Other Duties as Assigned
Student Employee-ish
How well do you know Netanya?
Final Jeopardy

Netanya has dealt with 3 of these wet basement situations while at CSP.

What is Floods?


 In reference to her great design work in a certain software Netanya is reffered to as this Name.

What is Canva Queen?


We once decorated for Halloween and stuck this in the book drop.

What is Skeleton?


 Netanya's sparkling drink of choice while working.

What is Spindrift?


In the words of Winnie the Pooh...“How lucky I am to have something that makes saying goodbye so hard.” ... Thank you for making Netanya's time at CSP so hard to say goodbye to... instead, let's say see you later. This is where can you find Netanya next.

Where is Ramsey County Library, Roseville Library


Number of work order requests placed in Maximo

What is 501?


Netanya makes a lot of buttons for campus. What 2 sodexo staff members did she make buttons in recognition for?

Who is Natalie (comets cafe) and Barb (wraps)


At one point, it was suggested that we make all student employees where this as a "uniform".

What is Smock or Apron?


Featured in her office, this is Netanya's favorite mythical creature.

What is Unicorns?


Number of Student Employees Netanya has supervised while working at CSP.

What is 85?


When the library HVAC was down, Netanya went to Target and picked up these for staff.

What is fans?


Netanya is likely to reprimand me for wearing these at the Info Desk?

What is Headphones?


In her spare time Netanya likes to compete in Jigsaw Puzzle Competitions. For the last 13 years she's competed at this MN competition.

St. Paul Winter Carnival


Netanya has worked at CSP for 8 years. How old was she when she started working?

What is 21


Harry Potter Trivia was a big event that Netanya assisted with in her first few years at CSP library. How many Harry potter books has Netanya read?

What is 1?


Congrats! It's your first shift! We are going to take a tour of the library...First stop, the Liesure Reading Collection. What is the first question Netanya will ask you on your tour?

What is "Do you like to read?"


This Mediterranean spot was Netanya's favorite quick lunch option till they closed post-pandemic.

What is Naughty Greek


Netanya has been through 2 library management system (LMS) Migrations while at CSP. What is the name of the LMS she started at CSP with?

What is Millennium?


Pestered into it by her Student employees, Netanya volunteered for this campus event 1 out of her 8 years at CSP.

What is Commencement?


Just a reminder, timecards are due... what does Netanya include in her reminder?

What is gif (or video)?


 It's time to take a Vacation! What city is Netanya most likely hopping on a plane and headed to?

What is Las Vegas, NV?