Spot the Rule

During an online debate assignment a student, John, strongly disagrees with the opinions of his opposing debater and types in the message board how stupid the other student’s opinion is and how they would have to be an idiot and insane to hold that opinion. How dumb could they be?!

What is rule #2: Use Respectful Language. 


The instructor asked the class to share appropriate pictures of their 4 day weekend. A student, Erica, posts about her awesome backyard BBQ with a picture of the moonbounce in the front yard. As it is a corner house the picture includes the house number and her street name and she states that it was so nice to see her friends and extended family before her immediate family took their 2 weeks vacation.

What is rule #3: Share With Discretion


Jana, is sending out invitation to the end of the school year party for the sunshine committee. She CCs all 100 invitees and includes a beautiful and detailed card with instructions to respond to the email with your RSVP.

What is #Rule 6: Respect People's Privacy


Martin, saw on twitter a post about the principal of the school being investigated and put on administrative leave due to accusations of embezzling from the activities fund. He uses the information from the tweet and posts it on his Facebook and Instagram to his friends list.

What is Rule #7: Fact Check Before Reposting


Abraham is part of a group assignment and is responsible for editing the video. His classmates send the video in an email on Wednesday afternoon, he sees the message but is tired and does not reply to the group that he received it nor does he respond to the group texts about it over the weekend. He honestly forgot but figures that as long as he's working on it and supplies a finished product by the due date that there will be no problem responding to the group when he gets around to it.

What is Rule 9: Respond to Emails and Texts Promptly