You are playing a really cool bowling game online. Suddenly a pop-up comes on the screen. It says that you can enter a contest to win a new Xbox if you type in your telephone number. What rule should you follow?
Rule #2 - ask a trusted adult before sharing personal information.
What does the H in T.H.I.N.K stand for?
What does the T in T.H.I.N.K stand for?
Is it TRUE
What does the I in T.H.I.N.K stand for?
You received an email from someone who says he is your friend's dad. He says they were just cleaning out your friends room and are giving away some old toys. He asks you to meet him outside so he can give you the toys. Which rule should you follow?
Rule #3 - never meet face-to-face with anyone from the Internet
What does the N in T.H.I.N.K stand for?
What does the K in T.H.I.N.K stand for?
Is it KIND
You've been playing a game online where your game character gets to shop for clothes and talk about new fashions with other players. One of the girls you're talking to is really nice and likes the same clothes you do. You have been friend online for a long time. She says it would be cool if you could meet up at the mall and go shopping together. What rule should you follow?
Rule #3 - never meet face-to-face with anyone from the Internet
At lunch, you overheard someone in your class saying mean things about you and your friends. Later that night on snapchat you want to message your friends about how your classmate was saying mean things. You want to say mean things about them too. Which rule should you follow?
Rule #4 - Always use good netiquette.
You are watching your favorite youtube channel, and an add pops-up. You get really uncomfortable and scared about the add. What rule should you follow?
Rule #1 - Tell a trusted adult if anything makes you feel sad, scared, or confused.
True or false: You should only remember to T.H.I.N.K before going on instagram.
False: You should remember to T.H.I.N.K before using any technology! T.H.I.N.K when you post and T.H.I.N.K when you read.
When you were at school, you saw your classmate steal something off your teachers desk. After school, you just got a message from that same classmate. They said that if you tell anyone about what they did, you'll be sorry and you better watch your back. Which rule should you follow?
Rule #1 - Tell a trusted adult if anything makes you feel sad, scared, or confused.
A few of your friends are gossiping online about another classmate. They asked you what you thought of the classmate, and are trying to get you to participate in the gossip. Which rule should you follow?
Rule #4 - Always use good netiquette.
All your friends are talking about this great new app that has all the best games on it. But in order to access the games, you have to create an account with your name, address, and email. Your friends say they signed up! What rule should you follow?
Rule #2 - Ask a trusted adult before sharing personal information like your name, address, or phone number.
Who are 3 trusted adults at school, 3 trusted adults at home, and 3 trusted adults in the community?