First Impressions
Google? Don't mind if I do
Are you in my Network?
All about the Process
The largest country on LinkedIn.
What is the United States?
Doing this is an invitation, a sign of welcome. It says, “I’m friendly and approachable.”
What is smiling?
45% of employers use these to screen job candidates
What is social networks?
Everyone in this room….plus mentors, Career mentors, volunteers..
What is in my SRA network?
People love to talk about themselves and appreciate when you take a genuine interest in what they have to stay. Listening will help you to get to learn about peoples’ challenges and get to know them better, which can ultimately lead to more productive professional relationships.
What is the best way to keep someone your are networking with interested in talking with you?
True or False? You should create a LinkedIn even if you are not going to put anything on it- having one is enough.
FALSE, no LinkedIn is better than a BAD LinkedIn
The number of seconds you have to make a first impression?
What is 7 seconds?
Percentage of employers who reported they did not offer a candidate a job based on content uncovered on one of their social networking sites
What is 35%?
friends, family, lecturers, contacts from volunteer work, societies/clubs , Part-time work, internships voluntary work, SRA!!!
What is the people included in your current network?
This is a short, pre-prepared speech that explains what you do and what you are interested in doing clearly and succinctly. It should be no more than 20-30 seconds.
What is an "elevator pitch"?
The amount companies that have pages on LinkedIn?
What is 3 million?
These have over four times the impact on the impression you make than anything you say.
What is nonverbal cues? Who can give us an example?
Having a professional picture, not bad talking employers/teachers, not talking about doing drugs, not posting anything violent
What is how to keep your social media presence positive?
Attending careers fairs, employer presentations, conferences Asking people you know for other contacts Joining student associations Study abroad
What is ways you can expand your network?
Within 24 hours of meeting the person you networked with.
What is send a thank you note/email? In the note, thank the person for any referrals, report what action you have taken or plan to take and do whatever you promised to do for them, if anything.
The amount of college graduates that have received at least one interview for a job they applied for via LinkedIn
What is 98%?
This is the quickest way to establish rapport. It’s also the most effective. Research shows it takes an average of three hours of continuous interaction to develop the same level of rapport that you can get with this.
What is a single handshake.
The amount of time companies such as Social Intelligence Corp, a background check company that screens job applicants based on their Internet photos and posting, can go back in time and look up your online history.
What is 7 years.
Number of today’s jobs that are landed through networking.
What is 80%? They call this the hidden job market.
What you should have before you end the conversation.
What is their business card? Or contact information.
True or False: You should accept LinkedIn invitations from people you do not know to grow your network?
False, connect with who you’ve met or engaged with online AND who would be willing and open to introducing you to their connections.
What you should wear when networking
What is conservative style and colors - blue, brown & black?
If nothing pops up when employers Google search you, that tells them….
What is either of two things -- you don't know how the world works today (so you are out-of-date) or you are hiding something?
The person sitting next to you on the bus, your classmate, a family friend could potentially be…?
What is potentially your next boss or coworker
No more than 3 times and utilize at least two different methods. If still no response, move on.
What is the amount of times you try to follow up with someone? Not everyone will reciprocate and respond to your follow up attempts and that's OK. You can't win them all.