The Gig Game
Work the Room
Rehearsal Etiquette
Pre-Concert Etiquette
Concert Etiquette

How quickly should you respond to an email offering a gig?

As soon as possible. (24 hours max)


What are the 5 tips Beeching shares from Seth Hanes to improve your Social Skills?

1. Introduce yourself first

2. Make Eye Contact

3. Shake Hands

4. Smile

5. Use people's names


Who in the section asks questions of the conductor?

The principal player.


What is the appropriate way to warm up before a concert?

Quietly and with no excerpts from the concert music.


What should your face and body do while people are applauding? (3)

Smile; look at the audience; hands holding instrument (not shuffling music).


What are three ways you can establish yourself as a gigging musician in a new city (without stepping on other people's toes)?

1. Take a lesson with the nearest orchestra's principal player and the local university professor.

2. Take low paying gigs (community bands, etc).

3. Contact area schools and mention that if they don't have a teacher already working with their students, you'd love to teach a masterclass/lessons/etc.


You should always have a ___________ so that people know how to contact you.

Business Card


How well should you know your music before rehearsal?

You should be 100% familiar with your music.


Regardless of your gender, what should be on your feet? (2)

Closed toed shoes; socks that cover all of your skin.


When are handshakes, fist bumps, high fives, etc. appropriate? (2)

Offstage, after the concert.


You've committed to an Easter gig. You're offered a better, higher paying gig that conflicts with your existing gig. What do you do?

Keep your original gig. You're committed.


How can you get "unstuck" from a conversation? 

Use a tactful exit line: "I need to find...[the vent organizer, ladies room, the person my friend mentioned would be's so nice meeting you. Have a great evening!"


Where should your phone be during rehearsal, and when is it appropriate to use it?

In your case/purse; during breaks.


When should you be in your seat prior to the concert?

At least 10 mins before the start time. (Though it's good to make sure you've been seen by section members/contractor before then.)


How should you remove mutes (or general equipment) and turn pages? (2)

Quietly, not during delicate sections.


You have a health emergency and need to bail on a gig. What should you do? (Multiple choice)

a. Get a sub

b. Notify the contractor/personnel manager

c. Tell your friend (who is also on the gig) to pass along that you won't be there

d. Contact the conductor

b. Notify the contractor/personnel manager


What can/should you send after an event?

A thank you note!


When is it appropriate to talk to others during a rehearsal?



How early should you arrive before the start of the gig? (In order to allow wiggle room for parking, traffic, etc.)

A minimum of 30 minutes before.


True of False: It is ok to count your measures of rest using a whisper or on your fingers.

False. Count discretely. Don't move your lips or make sound. Make sure fingers are not visible to audience.


What are five things you should never talk about on a gig?

1. Another person

2. How unprepared you are

3. Your pay

4. Things that bring the mood down (traffic, weather, etc.)

5. Personal oversharing


When attending someone else's performance, what should you do at the end? 

Go backstage to greet them and give specific, positive feedback. (Not just "great job"...)


How should you respond to something the conductor requests of you?

Positively and in the affirmative.



What are three things that are happening here that shouldn't be?

1. Talking to someone while they're trying to prepare/warm up.

2. Playing someone else's music (AND music obviously from the concert's content).

3. Conversational content that isn't constructive or professional.


On the concert, you should play the music the way it was _________. Don't be a _____

rehearsed; hero