Seizures pt.1
Seizures pt.2
multiple sclerosis
Parkinson’s disease

This type of seizure causes a brief jerking or stiffening of the extremities that may occur singly or in groups and lasting for just a few seconds.

What is myoclonic seizure?


This term describes a patient who experiences continuous seizures for more than 6 minutes per episode? ( A medical emergency!!)

What is status epilepticus?


The nurse is communicating with a client with multiple sclerosis (MS), which has affected the speech. Which communication actions are necessary for the nurse/client relationship? Select all that apply. 

A)Asking client to speak up and loudly, especially when tired

B) Encourage the client to speak slowly and not rush sentences

C)Encourage the client to speak distinctly

D)Encourage the client to repeat words that are indistinguishable

E)Encourage the client to keep sentences short 

What is B,C,D,and E?


A client with Parkinson’s disease is observed coughing numerous times while eating breakfast. Which priority action may help with the coughing while eating?

Offer thickened fluids with each meal, offer smaller bites


A client with Guillain-Barre syndrome will be receiving immunoglobulin therapy (IVIG) and questions the nurse about the purpose of the treatment. How would you best describe the treatment 

What is: Donated blood plasma that contains certain antibodies is given to provide your body with the antibodies needed to fight infection?


A client is in the latter stages of ALS. Which assistance is most associated with the needs of a client at this late stage? 


Leg braces to assist with mobility 

Lift chair and rising toilet to help client lift in seated position

Meds to help the client cope with anxiety

A feeding tube to provide nutrition and reduce risk of choking and aspiration

What is A feeding tube to provide nutrition and reduce risk of choking and aspiration?


This action is the most effective way for a college student to minimize the risk for bacterial meningitis

What is meningitis vaccine ?


Which of the following positions is worse meaning possible damage to the brain

What is decerebrete?

make sure you also know the positions of the body parts that are labeled


Name at least one factor that can induce status epilepticus

What is withdrawal of antiepileptic medications or alcohol, head and cerebral trauma, infection, or metabolic disturbances (hyponatremia)?


A client is concerned about having multiple sclerosis (MS). The nurse determines that the client has which of these assessment findings characteristic of MS? Select all that apply.

A)Tremors of the large and small muscle groups

B)Progressive weakness in extremities

C) Double vision

D)Sudden strength and burst of hyperactivity

E)Bowel and bladder dysfunction

A,B,C and E


A client with Parkinson’s disease is prescribed carbidopa-levodopa. What is the most important complication to monitor during the initial phase of medication adjustment?

Blood pressure


The nurse is preparing a client who is being tested for Guillain-Barre syndrome by spinal tap. The CSF is being analyzed for this specific elevation 

What is elevation is protein (with out elevation in WBC)


The newly diagnosed ALS client’s family member asks the nurse why the client is constipated. What is the best reply from the nurse?

What is: This disease on the muscles which causes lack of mobility leads to decreased peristalsis, which contributes to the clients constipation?


Which priority diagnostic and priority assessment confirms a diagnosis of meningitis?

What is a lumbar puncture and analyzing the cerebrospinal fluid?


In this type of seizure the patient has a sudden loss of muscle tone, lasting for seconds, followed by post-ictal (after the seizure) confusion.

What is atonic seizure?


Describe the characteristics of a tonic clonic seizure

What is stiffening or rigidity of muscles followed by jerky, rhythmic movements of the extremities?


A client with multiple sclerosis is being discharged from the hospital following treatment for a fall. Which discharge teaching is appropriate for the client? Select all that apply. 

A: Use a cane to conserve energy

B: Drink 6-8 glasses of water a day

C:Minimize stretching to prevent stiffness

D: Avoid aerobic exercise to conserve energy

E: Report vision changes including diplopia

A,B and E


The nurse is caring for a client with Parkinson’s disease and prioritizes which intervention in the plan of care? 

A) Instruct the client to eat foods high in phosphorus which helps mental clarity 

Place client on bedpan every 3 hours to establish voiding

Elevate clients legs when sitting to avoid edema 

Use armless chair to increase leg strength when getting up

What is C?


When the nurse enters the hospital room of a client diagnosed with Guillain-Barré Syndrome (GBS) the spouse asks, “Why is he drooling and having swallowing difficulty?” You would be prepared to answer that this is due to what?

What is cranial nerve involvement that affects swallowing and gag reflex


The nurse is caring for a client diagnosed with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS). The client’s family consists of two children ages 8 years of age and 16 years of age and a spouse. Which of the following nursing diagnoses will have priority?


Self care deficit related to paralysis

Altered nutrition: Less than body requirements 

Impaired physical mobility related to decreased motor function and loss of muscle tone 

Anticipatory grieving related to inevitable death 

Anticipatory grieving related to inevitable death


Of the following options which would the nurse assess for clinical manifestations for patient hospitalized with meningitis (there are 3):

neck stiffness

muscle aches

light sensitivity

retina damage

increased intraocular pressure

What is neck stiffness, muscle aches, light sensitivity?


Brief blank staring,lip smacking,and involuntary picking at clothes are characteristics of which type of seizure

considered a generalized seizure

What is absent seizure?


This is the type of seizure that the nurse would associate with a psychomotor seizure? (Involves neurological changes in the temporal lobe)

What is a complex partial seizure?


This is the benefit of taking baclofen in a patient with MS

What is helping relieve muscular spasticity?


An elderly client is being assessed in the clinic. The client voices concern that Parkinson’s disease may be happening. What assessment will the nurse determine to be one of the first signs of onset of Parkinson’s disease?

Restring tremor

Cogwheel Rigidity



What is Resting tremor?


This nursing diagnosis is appropriate for a client with GBS

What is ineffective breathing pattern?


A nurse is preparing to care for a client with ALS. Which nursing intervention is priority?

What is have airway management materials at bedside?


Which client would be most at risk for meningitis?

A: 30 year old prisoner one year post op splenectomy 

B: 19 year old college student living in a dorm room

C: A 2 month old moving from Scotland 

D: 65- year old grandmother exposed by her grand daughter

What is A?


Out of arthritis, advanced age, acute alcohol withdrawal, and peripheral vascular disease. This option is a medical condition increases the risk of a patient having a seizure 

What is acute alcohol withdrawl?


When a patient reports hearing smelling or tasting something unusual, that is not around or real before a seizure 

What is an aura?


These are the two most important things to avoid with MS that will most likely be on the test!

What is stress and heat( No hot tubs, marathons in the desert,)


The nurse and rehabilitation disciplines are collaborating on the care for a client with Parkinson’s disease. Which collaborative goal is the most appropriate for the client with Parkinson’s disease?

To maintain optimal body function?


A nurse caring for a client with Guillain-Barré syndrome (GBS) notifies the health care provider of the client’s deteriorating condition. Which of these assessment findings indicate a worsening of Guillain-Barré syndrome? 




Thick green respiratory sputum

Lower extremity pain

What is thick green respiratory sputum?


The charge nurse on a neurologic unit is explaining to the novice nurse about important defining characteristics of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) ALS. Which characteristic is most specific to ALS?

Gradual muscle twitching, weakness in a limb, or slurred speech that eventually leads to weakness of the muscles to speak, eat, move, and breathe


Which of the symptoms below will the nurse expect to observe with a client diagnosed with meningitis?

Severe headache with photophobia

Prescence of lesions of buccal mucosa

Paresthesia and weakness of lower extremities 

Fasciculations of the face

 What is A?