Anatomy Ear
What forms the lateral wall of the middle ear

Lateral wall: membranous wall - tympanic membrane


Describe the mechanisms of pitch and volume encoding

Pitch coding: area of basilar membrane distorted by wave at highest amplitude

Volume coding: degree & number of distortion of hair cells


What is the tallest cilia (on a hair cell) called

1 large kinocilium & stereocilia cluster embedded in cupular


How are different smells identified (generally)

Proteins: > 1000 types, encoded by different genes, found in different receptors. Different receptors are more selective to different odorants. 

Smell: Unique pattern of activity over receptor population. Projected onto targeted glomeruli in olfactory bulb in odor map → CNS interprets


Where do primary afferent olfactory nerves terminate?

Lateral rostral solitary nucleus of medulla


What is the smallest skeletal muscle in the body and what does it do

Stapedius: supplied by CN VII; attached from temporal bone to neck of stapes. Function = contract with > amplitude sound to reduce ossicles movement. Tympanic/attenuation reflex: protective, prevents excessive oscillation


Define impedance matching in relation to hearing and the mechanisms through which it occurs. 

Sound waves converted into fluid pressure waves. Ensuring that input is converted into suitable measurable output. 

Impedance matching device: Tympanic membrane & ossicles. Tympanic membrane sound vibrations pressure increased by ossicles > 22x to overcome the inertia of inner ear fluid.


What are the movements/planes associated with each of semicircular canals 

Anterior - lateral flexion; Posterior - flexion/extension; Lateral - rotation


Describe the structure and function of olfactory receptors

Olfactory Receptors: bipolar neurons with thin axon & single dendrite; Odorant bind to receptor. Olfactory rod: Short, thick dendrite with expanded end → 5-10 cilia project to surface. Axons: pierce cribriform plate of ethmoid bone, enter olfactory bulb. Cells: continually replaced, lifespan 1-2 months; produce receptor potentials. Trigger AP train; use GPCR transduction


Outline the nerves involved in taste sensation and what their innervate

Taste sensation: 

CN VII: taste info from anterior ⅔

CN IX: taste info from posterior ⅓

Vagus X: taste info from epiglottis/throat taste buds


What are the nerves that traverse/supply the middle ear

Tympanic nerve = branch of CN IX, supply mucous membrane inner ear. Form tympanic plexus → lesser petrosal preganglionic PNS. Synapse in otic ganglion → parotid gland. 

CN VII from internal acoustic meatus to the stylomastoid foramen protrudes into middle ear chorda tympani leaves CN VII, pieces posterior wall & exits through anterior ear


What are the 3 mechanism of hearing (HINT; Ossicular, Air ...)

Ossicular conduction: tympanic membrane movement displaces auditory ossicles. Stapes movement at oval window establish pressure wave in perilymph

Air conduction: via vibrations of secondary tympanic membrane of round window

Bone conduction: vibration transmission via skull bones to the fluid of inner ear


Describe what movements the utricle and saccule are sensitive to

Utricle:  linear acceleration, sensitive to horizontal forces esp. head forward/backward

Saccule: sensitive to vertical forces, but also to movement in all directions


What are the different olfactory epithelial cells?

  • Supporting cell: columnar epithelial cells lined with mucosal microvilli; secretory granules 

  • Basal cell: olfactory epithelium base; undifferentiated stem cell → form receptors - Undergo mitosis

  • Bowman’s cell: produce mucus - that dissolves odour molecules. Odorant molecules dissolve into mucus → electrical transduction. Bind to odorant receptors in olfactory sensory neurons on cilia

  • Olfactory receptor


What are the 3 major cell types in taste buds and what is their function

Taste buds & receptors: receptors within taste buds; receptors cells replaced every 10 days

  • Supporting cells: type 1, may sense Na+ through channels

  • Basal cells: undifferentiated stem sell - taste receptor precursors

  • Taste receptor cells: specialised epithelial chemoreceptors. Produce depolarising receptor potentials in response to tastant. Innervated by afferent nerves; type 3 presynaptic (sour) & type 2 receptor cells


Describe the structure of membranous labyrinths and the fluid they contain

Perilymph: fluid in scala vestibuli (superior) & scala tympani (inferior), similar to ECF. Continuous at end

Endolymph: fluid in scala media; ionic composition similar to ICF (> K+, < Na+). Sensory transduction within Organ of Corti

Structure: spiral shaped, 35mm long, 3 tubular canals. Reissner’s/vestibular membrane divides scala vestibuli & media. Basilar membrane divides scala media & tympani - base of Organ of Corti. Scala vestibuli ends at oval window; Scala tympani ends at round window


Describe the auditory transduction pathway

Auditory transduction: 

  • Sound waves oscillate tympanic membrane → vibrate ear ossicles

  • Displace flood in cochlea → vibrate organ of Corti →  bend hair cell cilia

  • Change K+ conductance → oscillating cochlear microphonic potential

  • Open voltage gated Ca2+ channels in presynaptic terminals of hair

  • Intermittent glutamate release → intermittent APs in afferent cochlear nerves


Describe the semicircular canal stimulation

Semicircular Canal Stimulation: detect change in velocity; dynamic equilibrium

Hair cells: 1 large kinocilium & stereocilia cluster embedded in cupular. Bend towards kinocilium → depolarization. Bend away from kinocilium → hyperpolarisation. Afferent nerves carry vestibular info to brain

Endolymph drag: via inertia, bends hair cells in opposite direction to head rotation. Continues rotating after motion stops, returns to rest after delay.


Describe the steps of olfactory transduction

Olfactory transduction: convert chemical signal into electrical signal

  1. Odorant binds to cilia receptor proteins 

  2. Olfactory receptor proteins coupled to AC via Golf

  3. AC catalyses ATP → cAMP ⇒ > cAMP gated Na+/Ca2+ channels open

  4. > Ca2+ opens Ca2+ gated Cl- channels → receptor cell depolarises. > Ca2+ also complexes with calmodulin & bind channel → < cAMP affinity. Ca2+ also extruded through Ca2+/Na+ exchanger

  5. Depolarise initial segment of olfactory nerve axon


Outline the 4 papillae and their function

Tongue: covered in projection called papillae → Multicellular protuberances with taste buds

  • Circumvallate: 9, contain 100-300 taste buds; at rare of tongue; circular

  • Fungiform: located in posterolateral trenches of tongue; 5 taste buds each

  • Foliate: posterolateral tongue trenches; taste buds degenerate early childhood

  • Filiform: cover entire tongue, tactile receptors, no taste buds

Taste buds: small pop. in pharynx, larynx, epiglottis, esophagus


What is the name of each of the walls of the middle ear 

Roof: tegmental wall; petrous part of temporal bone, with epitympanic recess

Floor: jugular wall

Lateral wall: membranous wall - tympanic membrane

Medial wall: labyrinthine wall - lateral semicircular canal prominence facial nerve prominence, tympanic plexus on promontory (turn of cochlear)

Posterior wall: mastoid wall - bulging of lateral semicircular; 

Anterior wall: carotid wall


Route of auditory information processing

Hair cells --> afferent cochlear nerves --> synapse in superior olivary complex --> inferior colliculus (topographic) --> thalamus MGN --> auditory cortex 


Outline the role of the different groups of medulla vestibular nuclei

Medial/superior nuclei: receive input from semicircular canals. Project to nerves to extraocular muscles via medial longitudinal fasciculus

Lateral nuclei: receive input from utricles - project to spinal cord via lateral vestibulospinal tract - postural reflex

Inferior nuclei: utricles, saccules, semicircular canal input

Projections: brain stem & cerebellum via medial longitudinal fasciculus. Sensory cortex S1 area 5 → body orientation

Vestibular dysf(x): manifested by uncontrolled eye movement & nausea/vertigo


Describe the olfactory pathways 

Olfractory receptors synapse with mitral cells at glomeruli. Inhibitory granule/periglomerular cells also synapse on mitral cells - sharpen info. Mitral cells travel in olfactory tract --> terminate piriform cortex, amygdala (emotion), hypothalamus, hippocampus (memories)


List one example of a receptor associated with each major flavour type

  • Salt = amiloride-sensitive Na+ channels; esp. tongue tip

  • Sour = H+-sensitive TRP channels; esp. tongue sides

  • Sweet = T1R2 & T1R3 GPCRs transduce stimuli; esp. tongue tip

  • Umami = T1R1 & T1R3 GPCRs via IP3 → > Ca2+ permeability; esp. tongue top

  • Bitter = T2R GPCRs; esp. Tongue posterior