Parkinson's Disease
Multiple Sclerosis
TBI & Spinal Cord Injury

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Students stand up and use one hand to circle face, arms out to assess for arm weakness, point to mouth to assess for speech, and mimic phone to ear for "Time" to call 911


Define Parkinson's Disease

What is a progressive central nervous system disease that affects movement?


What is Multiple Sclerosis?

What is a progressive central nervous disorder characterized by weakness. 


Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis is also known as _______________ Neuron disease.

What is "motor"?


Sensory and muscle function is lost in legs and lower trunk.

What is paraplegia?


Temporary interruption of blood flow to the brain.

What is a TIA?


Name 3 symptoms of this disease.

What are tremors, pill-rolling, stooped posture, shuffling gait, stiff muscles, constipation, fixed gaze, mask-like facial expression, changes in speech, etc.


Name 4 symptoms of MS.

What are weakness, fatigue, pain, numbness & tingling, difficulty walking, dizziness, vision changes, bowel and bladder issues, depression, etc.


ALS affects what gender and age more often?

What is Males 40 - 60 years old?


How often is a paralyzed person turned and repositioned?

What is every 2 hours?


A stroke is also know as a....

What is a CVA or Brain Attack?


What therapies would the Parkinson's patient most likely benefit from?

What are Physical therapy, Occupational therapy and Speech and Language therapy.


Which gender is affected more by Multiple Sclerosis?

What is females?


True or False? Cognitive abilities are affected in ALS?

What is false?


List 3 causes of Traumatic Brain Injury.

May include car accidents, falls, sports injuries, violent injuries such as gunshot wounds, explosion or combat injuries.


One risk factor for strokes.

What are:  High Blood Pressure, Heart disease, age, gender, family history, smoking diabetes, etc.


List 3 safety measures the CNA would use when caring for a person with Parkinson's disease.

What are: Fall Risk Precautions, use of assistive/adaptive devices, call light in reach, use of gait belt or other assistive mobility devices, clear walkways, brakes on wheelchair/bed, side rails as called for in care plan, all items within reach, glasses and hearing aid worn as needed, etc.


This covering of nerve fibers is damaged by the immune system.

What is "myelin sheath"?


What is the name of the famous Cosmologist, professor and author on whom the movie "The Theory of Everything" was based on?

Who is Stephen Hawking?


Sensory and muscle function is lost in arms legs and trunk.

What is quadriplegia?


Paralysis on one side of the body.

What is hemiplegia?


List 4 nursing care measures for the person with Parkinson's disease.

Any 4 appropriate nursing care measures. May include personal hygiene skills, ROM, assistance with elimination, assistance with nutrition, skin care observations, turn q 2 hours, aspiration precautions, check vital signs, assess for pain/numbness/weakness, measure urinary output, psychological support, recreational activities, spiritual support.


Describe 5 nursing care measures for persons with MS.

What are Fall Risk Precautions, personal hygiene skills, ROM, assistance with mobility, assistance with elimination, assistance with nutrition, skin care observations, turn q 2 hours, aspiration precautions, check vital signs, assess signs and symptoms, measure urinary output, psychological support, recreational activities, spiritual support.


List 5 nursing care measures expected in the care plan of a person with ALS.

What are personal hygiene skills, ROM, assistance with elimination, assistance with nutrition, skin care observations, turn q 2 hours, aspiration precautions, check vital signs, assess for pain, numbness and weakness, measure urinary output, psychological support, recreational activities, spiritual support, Fall Precautions. 


Define the following terms:


Vegetative State

Brain Death

What is: 

Coma: Unconscious state in which person does not respond and cannot be aroused. 

Vegetative State: Person may awaken but shows no signs of awareness. 

Brain Death: Complete loss of brain function with no hope of recovery.