My Fair Embolectomy
Sherlock Holmes
Blood in the Jello
Grab Bag

The number of hours a patient is on bedrest after an embolectomy.

What is 4 hours?


Name for double vision.

What is diplopia?

Causes the "talk and die" syndrome

What is an epidural hematoma?


Arterial lines are most commonly placed in this artery.

What is the radial artery?


A collection of blood vessels and ependymal cells where spinal fluid is made.

What is the choroid plexus?


To decrease the risk of infection, the groin site dressing should be removed at this time.

What is 24 hours post-procedure?


This type of gait causes the legs to cross in front of each other and looks like you are "walking through water"

What is "scissoring"?


This type of subdural can be found months later due to brain atrophy and looks like oil.

What is a chronic SDH?


Arterial lines are leveled at this site

What is the Phlebostatic axis at the mid-axillary point of the 4th ribs and the right ventricle of the heart?


An example of lower motor neuron damage resulting in decreased reflexes and flaccid muscles.

What is SCI or polio?


Vital sites and neuro checks occur at these intervals post-embolectomy.

What is every 15 mins x 2 hours then every 30 mins x 6 hours then every hour until 24 hours post-procedure?


Arm/hand weakness, leg weakness, ataxia, loss of balance with falling episodes, and clonus indicate this finding.

What is myelopathy?

We commonly see these types of people with head bleeds due to their brain atrophy and clotting disorders.

What are alcoholic patients?


Ipsilateral headache, neurological deficits, seizures post-embolectomy are classic signs of this syndrome

What is cerebral reperfusion injury?


Responsible for voluntary movement and runs from the cortex to the anterior horn of the spinal cord.

What is the corticospinal tract?


Moderate to severe back pain with ipsilateral flank pain post-procedure could be an indicator of this.

What is a retroperitoneal hematoma?


This cranial nerve innervates the parasympathetic fibers to the organs of the chest/abdomen and the motor fibers of the soft palate, larynx, pharynx.

What is the vagus nerve?


Bleeding that occurs in the "spider web-like" space in the brain.

What is subarachnoid hemorrhage?


The carotid arteries supply the _____ circulation, whereas the vertebral arteries supply the ____ circulation.

What is anterior and posterior?


The name for the nerve roots of the spinal cord that fans out into a "horse's tail"

What is the cauda equina?


Groin and pulse checks must be completed at the following intervals.

Every 15 min x 4 then every 30 mins x 2 then every hour x 2 then every 4 hours until 24 hours post-procedure.


When this nerve is compressed due to herniation is causes the ipsilateral pupil to become fixed and dilated.

What is cranial nerve III?


This artery is commonly injured by temporal bone fractures, resulting in epidural hematomas.

What is the middle meningeal artery?


This calcium channel blocker relaxes coronary vascular smooth muscle decreasing cardiac contractions.

What is Diltiazem?


Name for the depressions or grooves in the brain.

What is the sulcus or sulci?