Which Cranial Nerve Am I?
All about increased ICP
Neuro Hodge Podge
Eyes/Ears Anyone?
Autonomic Dysreflexia and More...

When functioning appropriately, this cranial nerve gives us the ability to smell our morning cup of coffee.

What is cranial nerve I (olfactory) ?


A synonym for this manifestation of increased ICP is testiness.

What is irritability? 


Decreased body movements seen in Parkinson's patients is called this.  

What is bradykinesia?


This vision loss on the same side - left or right in both eyes can be seen in stroke patients and may result in ignoring objects located in that side of visual loss. 

That is homonymous hemianopia? 


It is necessary to place a  patient experiencing symptoms of autonomic dysreflexia in this position.  

What is High Fowler's postion? 


This cranial nerve can be assessed using the cardinal field of gaze which tests for extraocular movements. 

What is cranial nerve III (oculomotor) ? 


With this manifestation of increased ICP the nurse would implement these precautions which included padded side rails, bed in lowest position and suction set up at the HOB.

What are seizures? 


The term given to the inability to coordinate voluntary muscle action usually in muscle groups used in activities such as walking.

What is ataxia? 


This tool can be used by patients with macular degeneration to monitor for worsening symptoms. 

What is an Amsler grid? 


Paralysis below the waist is termed this and is associated with spinal cord injuries below T1. 

What is paraplegia? 


This cranial nerve is often assessed using the Romberg  and the whisper test.

What is cranial nerve 8 (acoustic) ? 


Often seen as a late finding with increased ICP it is characterized by severe hypertension with a widening pulse pressure and bradycardia.

What is Cushing's triad? 


This screening test for balance is performed when the patient stands with feet together and arms at sides, first with eyes open and then with both eyes closed for 20 to 30 seconds. A slight sway is normal.  Loss of balance is considered abnormal.

What is Romberg test? 


Following a retinal detachment repair this pastime often enjoyment by people (except nursing students) to prevent another detachment until the eyes are healed following surgery.

What is reading? 


The HOB should be elevated to prevent increased ICP to this degree level. 

What is 30 degrees? 


These two cranial nerves are often assessed together and determine gag reflex and vocal quality. Impairment of these cranial  nerves may require suction set up at the head of the bed. 

What are cranial nerves IX and x (glossopharyngeal and vagus) ?


These GI symptoms are usually associated with increased ICP. 

What are nausea and vomiting? 


This symptom of a concussion may want the patient to put their shades on. 

What is photophobia? 


This type of hearing test assesses bone conduction of sound by placing a tuning fork on the top of the head.

What is the Weber test? 


This urinary condition is often associated with spinal cord injuries due to atony of the urinary bladder and may require intermittent self catheterizations. 

What is urinary retention? 


This cranial nerve is assessed by performing a shoulder lift test.

What is cranial nerve X1 (spinal accessory)? 


For this manifestation associated with increased ICP one might take Tylenol. 

What is a headache? 


This is considered the clinical state of unarousable unresponsiveness in which there are no purposeful responses to internal or external stimuli, although nonpurposeful responses to painful stimuli and brainstem reflexes may be present. 

What is coma? 


This disorder of the inner ear causes vertigo, tinnitus, a feeling of fullness or pressure in the ear, and fluctuating hearing loss that significantly impact a patient's quality of life.  

What is Meniere disease? 


This "hot" symptom can be the result of a pin site infection with a patient in halo traction. 

What is a fever?