Elijah was from what area (1 Kgs 17:1)?
A. Tekoa in Judah
B. Tishbe in Gilead
C. Jezreel in Galilee
D. Gerizim in Ephraim

B. Tishbe in Gilead


What did the ravens bring Elijah when he was at the Kerith Ravine (1 Kgs 17:6)?
A. Bread and meat
B. Wine and bread
C. Fruits and vegetables
D. Manna and wine

A. Bread and meat


What was the widow of Zarephath doing when Elijah met her (1 Kgs 17:10)?
A. Drawing water from the well
B. Threshing wheat
C. Cooking in her home
D. Gathering sticks

D. Gathering sticks


What did Elijah tell the widow of Zarephath would not happen until they got rain (1 Kgs 17:14)?
A. She would find a silver coin she could use for food at the gate of the city
B. She should bake bread for her neighbors and give it away
C. The birds would bring she and her son food
D. Her jar of flour and jug of oil would not run dry

D. Her jar of flour and jug of oil would not run dry


Who was the king that Elijah addressed (1 Kgs 17:1)?
A. Omri
B. Baasha
C. Elah
D. Ahab

D. Ahab


After Elijah was at the Kerith Ravine why did he have to move from there (1 Kgs 17:7)?
A. Ahab was pursuing him
B. He had to bring a message to Israel
C. The stream dried up
D. The ravens ran out of food to bring him

C. The stream dried up


What did Elijah request from the widow of Zarephath when he first met her (1 Kgs 17:11)?
A. Bread and water
B. Oil and figs
C. Olives and bread
D. Bread and wine

A. Bread and water


What did the widow of Zarephath say to Elijah after her son died (1 Kgs 17:18)?
A. May the Lord look upon me and judge you for the evil you have brought on my son
B. I gave you food and water and this is how you repay your friends
C. Did you come here to remind me of my sin and kill my son
D. Did you bring a curse on this house instead of a blessing

C. Did you come here to remind me of my sin and kill my son


What did Elijah announce would not happen except by his word (1 Kgs 17:1)?
A. Harvest of wheat and barley
B. Dew or rain
C. The Lord's blessings
D. Prosperity and security in Israel

B. Dew or rain


After the Kerith Ravine where did God guide Elijah during the drought (1 Kgs 17:9)?
A. Gilgal
B. Bethel
C. Shiloh
D. Zarephath

D. Zarephath


While the widow of Zarephath had no water or bread what did she tell Elijah she did have (1 Kgs 17:12)?
A. A basket of olives and figs
B. A jug of oil and a handful of flour
C. A skin of wine and a jar of barley
D. A leg of lamb and skin of milk

B. A jug of oil and a handful of flour


Where did Elijah take the boy from his mother's arms (1 Kgs 17:19)?
A. To the upper room
B. To the city gate
C. To the roof of the house
D. To the place where they had made bread for Elijah

A. To the upper room


Where was Elijah to hide after having announced a drought on Ahab and Israel (1 Kgs 17:3)?
A. Wadi Qelt east of Jerusalem
B. The Arnon canyon on the other side of the Jordan
C. The spring of Harod in the Jezreel valley
D. The Kerith Ravine east of the Jordan

D. The Kerith Ravine east of the Jordan


Zarephath was located in what region (1 Kgs 17:9)?
A. Jezreel
B. Gilead
C. Sidon
D. Jordan

C. Sidon


Why was the widow of Zarephath gathering sticks (1 Kgs 17:12)?
A. To make a fire to keep warm
B. To build a roof for her house
C. To cook a last meal for her son
D. To bring the palace to trade for some food

C. To cook a last meal for her son


******Daily Double*******

What is the family name of Elijah?

Elijah the Tishbite


How did God feed Elijah when he was at the Kerith brook (1 Kgs 17:3)?
A. With sheep and goats
B. The ravens brought him food
C. A woman brought him food
D. He stayed with a family there

B. The ravens brought him food


How did God tell Elijah he would get food when he arrived at Zarephath (1 Kgs 17:10)?
A. The king of Sidon would take care of him
B. A widow would feed him
C. The ravens would feed him
D. He was to fish in the ocean there

B. A widow would feed him


*****Daily Double********

Name at least 2 parallels between Moses’ and Elijah’s ministry according to the ‘Context and Background’.

Parallel between the ministries of Elijah and Moses: 

1. each prophet begins his journey with a flight eastward to escape a king’s wrath; 

2. each finds safety with a family. 

3. Each returns to his country to face and challenge the king and to awaken faith among the Israelites. 

4. Each leaves the country again on a journey to Sinai/Horeb, where he experiences a meeting with God.

5. Each then departs for Israel through the Jordan River.


What did Elijah request from the widow of Zarephath after she told him she only had oil and flour (1 Kgs 17:14)?
A. He wanted her to make him a small cake
B. He wanted her to bake him some bread
C. He wanted oil to refresh himself with
D. He wanted her to sell everything she had and follow him

A. He wanted her to make him a small cake