Who is protagonist with a family curse?
Which Edgar Allan Poe poem is Lenore and the Academy’s name, Nevermore, from?
The Raven
What time of era was it when Lenore and Annabel Lee were alive?
Late Victorian Era
What is Pluto’s Spectre called?
(Bonus for saying what type)
A Cryptid (black cat)
What is the nickname Annabel Lee only calls Lenore?
Who is the antagonist/love interest?
Annabel Lee
In the intro to Nevermore what Edgar Allan Poe poem do you read?
Annabel Lee
What causes Annabel Lee to have a panic attack?
Hearing Lenore’s father say there was a fire at the cottage that Lenore was in then saying he doesn’t have a daughter.
What is Morella’s Spectre?
(Bonus for saying what type)
Guardian Spirt (Daughter of Raphael)
What is Nevermore Exactly?
A waypoint between the land of the living and the land of the dead
Who is Lenore’s first true friend in Nevermore?
(Hint: “Fellow bad kid.”)
Which short story is referenced when Montresor sealed Duke behind a wall?
The Cask of Amontillado
What name does Lenore give herself after she faked her death and disguised herself as a man?
Leo, (“theo’s cousin”)
What is Ada’s Spectre?
(Bonus for saying what type)
A Banshee (a hag)
What is the “dark magic” that is stalking Lenore?
The Vandernacht Curse/Her family curse
Who are the Heads of Nevermore?
(Plus 100 for saying who the more playful one is and another 100 for saying who the more aggressive one is)
The Deans/Sirs (Merry-Playful, Mourn-Aggressive)
Prospero is a referenced to which Edgar Allan Poe poem?
The Masque of the Red Death
How did Theo die?
What is Duke’s Spectre?
(Bonus for say what type)
A Poltergeist (Harlequin)
Why is it so ironic that a raven talks with Lenore?
Both are from The Raven
Who is the teacher and who is the nurse of Nevermore?
(250 for each name)
Ms. Poppet (Teacher) and Dolly (nurse)
Which Poem does Pluto’s Spectre reference to?
The Black Cat
What did Annabel Lee ask Lenore to do for her?
Write her a song
What was monstrous’s Spectre?
(Bonus for saying what type)
A Dybbuk (Son of Belial)
Are the Deans related?
No, even though they look almost identical, they not twin or brothers