A person who works for someone else
What year was the first iPhone released?
Where is the coldest place on Earth?
How many kilometers are in one mile?
1,6 kilometers
Where does today come before yesterday
The dictionary.
People who own, operate, and take risk of a business venture
What sport was featured on the first curved U.S. coin in 2014?
Which country produces the most tea?
How long did the Hundred Years' War last?
116 years
What has many rings but no fingers?
A phone.
What is a fixed cost?
The cost that remains the same.
What is the fifth sign of the zodiac?
What season does Australia experience in December?
How many stars are on the European Union Flag?
It can fill a room, but it takes up no space. What is it?
What type of entrepreneurial business sells products directly to the people who use or consume them?
Which month of the year is National Ice Cream Month?
The Lord of The Rings trilogy was filmed in what country?
New Zealand
How many countries does Nike operate ?
over 190 countries worldwide
What starts with T, ends with T, and has T inside it?
A teapot.
What is evaluation of your strengths and weaknesses?
Self Assessment
Which U.S. President was a law professor?
Bill Clinton
What two states do not share a border with any other US state?
Hawaii and Alaska
What year did Netflix, previously a DVD rental business, introduce streaming services?
How do you spell “cow” with thirteen letters?
See O Double You