The wealthiest British colony
What is India?
Forced into exile by Empress Cixi after attempting to bring China into modern age.
Who is Emperor Guangxu?
Stronger nations will outlast weaker ones; only the strong survive
What is Social Darwinism?
This ship exploded sparking the Spanish-American War.
What is the USS Maine?
A huge civil war in China that lasted from 1851 to 1864.
What is the Taiping Rebellion?
Led the movement for Indian independence
Who is Mohandas Gandhi?
Secret Chinese nationalists group
Who are the Fists of Harmony and Justice?
Colonized the Congo and was the first claimed territory.
Who is King Leopold of Belgium?
A volunteer cavalry, up strategic San Juan Hill, Cuba
Who are the Rough Riders?
Indian soldiers revolted against the British due to religious offenses
What is the Sepoy Mutiny?
A trading company established in 1600 to develop business relations with the British colonies; controlled trade of tea
What is the British East India Company?
Policy that European countries would not carve China into colonies like they did Africa
What is the Open Door Policy?
Businessman encouraged Britain to continue to spread its influence
Who is Cecil Rhodes?
Sensationalist exaggerating writing of the news to lure & enrage readers
What is Yellow Journalism?
Series of wars with China over its right to sell opium there.
What are the Opium Wars?
Period of time when Great Britain held control over India
What is the British Raj?
Chinese Christian with dream of independent and self-sufficient China
Who is Hong Xiuguan?
European countries met to carve up Africa, each taking different locations to exploit for their valuable natural resources.
What is the Berlin Conference?
The United States bought control over this nation after the Spanish American war.
What is the Philippines?
Chinese nationalists rose up to protect Chinese national interests and attacked any western influence, Christians, and Europeans.
What is the Boxer Rebellion?
These two religions were the main groups of the Sepoy Mutinity
Who are the Hindus and Muslims?
Forced China to surrender Hong Kong to the British and forced trade to end Chinese isolationism
What is the Treaty of Nanjing?
Extending a country’s power and influence through diplomacy or, in the late-18th and 19th centuries, military force.
What is imperialism?
This ended the Spanish- American War.
What is the Treaty of Paris?
Forced France to give up on French Indochina
What is Battle of Dien Bien Phu?