Who's the clever one in the class?
Hazel O'Hara.
What's the teacher's name?
We don't know.
Where does the first scene take place?
What's the uniform of the Irish/African school like?
A red jumper with a white shirt and a tie for the boys (lads) in the Irish school. A light blue shirt in the African school.
What lesson is it in the African scene?
What does Christian always tell Joseph to make him scared?
"You're dead."
What does the teacher always say to the children when there's a problem?
"Hands in the air."
What lesson is it when Joseph arrives at his new school?
What's there in the African classroom?
A blackboard, desks and chairs. Nothing else.
What did Seth do to his classmate's Maths book?
Threw it out of the window.
What does Hazel do before opening her Maths book? (name at leats 1 thing)
She puts on her glasses and takes a pencil from her pencil case. Then she smiles at Joseph.
What does the teacher tell Seth when she learns that he threw his classmate's Maths book out of the window?
"Go down and get that book."
What does Christian want Joseph to eat from his finger?
His snot.
Compare the Irish and the African schools. Say at least two things about each.
What does one of the boys say when he sees that the boys won't fight?
"It's boring."
What happens to Joseph's father?
Some soldiers with guns take him away.
How does the teacher punish the three boys in the end?
She doesn't. She just says, "In you go" and let them go back to their seats.
What does Christian say he saw when he was down on the floor?
What happens in the schoolyard during the break?
Seth and Christian throw a carton of milk at the wall drenching Joseph's coat and they want to fight with him, but Joseph grabs Christian's finger. Then the teacher comes and puts an end to the fighting.
What were Joseph and his dad talking about after all the boys had left the school?
About how Joseph was good at football and he became a star, because he scored some goals.
What does Joseph always does to defend himself from bullying?
He pulls the bully's index finger very hard.
The teacher says to Hazel, "Don't you dare ..... to me like that."
What makes Joseph laugh in the end together with the boys?
When Seth says, "She thinks she is robbing a f.... bank."
At what time did the teacher let the kids out in the schoolyard and what time was it when she was talking with the three boys in the hall?
At 11 and 11.15.
"I heard what you just said, " said the teacher. Hazel talks back. How? What did she say?
She said, "It was a private conversation."