BTS Arts Program History
Program Requirements
BTS Arts in Action
Your Roles & Responsibilities
Program Support

What BTS stands for

What is Beverley Taylor Sorenson? 


The amount of time an educator has to complete their endorsement if they do not have it when hired.

What is three years?


The feeling your students should experience in your BTS Arts classroom?

What is JOY? (happy, fun, excited, fulfilled, etc. are all acceptable)


The face of the program at the school level.

Who is YOU! (The BTS Arts educator)


Your direct supervisor.

Who is the principal or administrator at your school?


The four art forms funded by the BTS Arts program

What is Drama, Dance, Music, and Visual Art?


The kind of license a BTS Arts Educator is required to have.

What is an early childhood, elementary, or secondary teaching license?


Instructional time should not be less than this per class, with kindergarten as an exception.

What is 30 minutes?


Seating charts, classroom setup, warning systems, positive and logical consequences, etc.

What are classroom management techniques you should establish in your classroom?


How many Campus Connection Days you will attend at BYU each year.

What is two? (Fall and Spring)


The year in which the Utah Legislature adopted the BTS Arts program

What is 2008?


Three things the school is responsible for providing for the program.

What is instructional space, materials, and supplies?


It is suggested that each school conduct one of these once a year, or in the case of schools who share an arts educator, every other year.

What is an Arts Night?


BTS Arts educators are expected to collaborate with them to identify and implement experiences where the arts can enhance core subjects in an authentic and meaningful way.

Who are classroom teachers? (or grade-level teams)


An advocacy organization created to promote the Beverley Taylor Sorenson Arts Learning Program.

What is Friends of BTS Arts?


The mission of the BTS Arts program is “To provide every Utah elementary student with high quality arts learning and _____.'

What is "arts integration experiences"?


The platform where you will complete two online learning courses (an Onboarding course and a Year-long course).

What is Canvas? (


A regularly scheduled time for the BTS Arts educator and the classroom teacher to meet.

What is collaborative planning time?


What you should ask for from the teachers at your school to assist in your lesson planning.

What is a curriculum map?


The director of Art Works For Kids and Friends of BTS Arts.

Who is Lisa Cluff?


LEAs and schools are supported by three groups:

1. The Utah State Board of Education

2. Their partnering university/college

3. ?

What is "Art Works For Kids"?


The date that your yearly schedule should be submitted online to BTS Arts leadership each year.

What is September 30th?


What research has found to be the most effective model of arts-integrated instruction in BTS schools.

What is side-by-side instruction?


A team that the arts educator can serve on to set arts goals for the school and plan/support art events.

What is a school arts team?


Having students write letters to legislative representatives, inviting the community to an arts performance, displaying the BTS Arts signage, etc.

What are types of school-based advocacy efforts?