Economic Policies
Theme 1
Theme 2

What does the WEF stand for?

What is World Economic Forum


By how much did American population growth plummet from 1930 to 1940?

What is 50%?


What is Laissez Faire?

What is "abstention by governments from interfering in the workings of the free market?"


Which author was more critical of Roosevelt?

Who is Gary Dean Best?


Which author falls more in line with that of textbook rhetoric?

Who is Roger Biles?


What does NRA stand for?

What is National Recovery Administration?


What type of goods were more harshly affected by the Great Depression?

What is Durable Goods?


What is Keynesian's Economics?

What is Governments should increase spending during economic turmoil in order to return to a healthy economy?


What axiom did Gabe establish regarding the ideal goal of a liberal government in economic depression? 

What is "The most humane contribution a liberal government can make to the victims of a depression is the restoration of [economic] prosperity and the reemployment of the idle in genuine jobs?" (174)


How was Roosevelts policy a departure from his predecessors?

What is Roosevelt increased the federal governments involvement within the economy, undermining his predecessors more laissez faire approach?


What does AAA stand for?

What is Agricultural Adjustment Act?


Why did suicide rates not increase during Roosevelt's administration?

What is blame it on "Accidental Falls"?


What Act ensured that workers had the right to unionize and bargain collectively?

What is the Wagner Act in section 7(a) of the NIRA?


How did Roosevelt’s policies mimic those of his predecessors and his presidential descendants?

He continued Woodrow Wilson’s policies of protecting the workers rights and encouraging progressive liberal reforms. Other responses are acceptable?


What were the reasons for Roosevelts success given the information in the textbook and information from broader historical contexts.

What is His opponents had little opposition / no better alternatives, public distaste for corporations and Roosevelts efforts for a more fair economic environment?


What does the NIRA stand for?

What is National Industrial Recovery Act?


What technology increased during the years of the Great Depression?

What is the Radio?


Which Act had a progressive tax scheme?

What is the Wealth Tax Act of 1935?


What similarities and differences can be established between Roosevelts policies regarding farmers and previous agrarian farmers demands? 

What is going the opposite route by decreasing monetary inflation instead of bimetallism and increasing the price of crops through subsidies such as the AAA? "Farm income and manufacturing wages also increased" (180).


In what ways did Roosevelt's departure from liberalism manifest, signaling a shift towards a more dictatorial style of governance?

What is He increased federal government power, increase government involvement in the economy, pitted class against class for own self gain, intolerants to critics and criticism, used the lower class to hold power (like the corrupt political machines), 45% felt as though the country was heading towards a dictatorship. Additionally Gabe claims Roosevelt attempted to institutionalize his emergency powers?


What were Roosevelt's programs called colloquially? 

What is Alphabet Soup?

What was the difference in the the federal fiscal budget for America in 1936-1935.

What is 1.83 Billion Dollars?


What is a Welfare State?

What is  a nation-state whose government is committed to ensuring economic and social well-being through redistribution of wealth and other government-sponsored programs?


What other regimes in American history utilized "Centralized Economic Planning" and what connections could be made between Gabe's perception of it and American politicians down the line?

What is the Soviet Union who were a communist regime utilizing "an economic system where a government body makes economic decisions regarding the production and distribution of goods" and the Red Scare as Gabe describes Roosevelts policies as totalitarian and dangerous like American description of the USSR?


What connections can you draw between the Roosevelt Presidency and the Gilded Age / Progressive Era?

What is Filled with corporations, working class distrust for corporations and general distaste, political machines using lower class for their own benefit similar to Roosevelt playing off of lower class distaste for upper class for his political benefit?