FDR/New Deal
World War II
World War II (Domestic)
Civil Rights

The phrase "New Deal" was first used during this

What is the 1932 presidential campaign of Franklin Delano Roosevelt?


This invasion in 1939 is often considered the starting point of World War II

What is the German invasion of Poland?


This date and event was described by Franklin Delano Roosevelt as "A date that will live in infamy!"

What is the December 7, 1941 attack on Pearl Harbor by the Japanese?


The murder and mutilation of this 14-year old boy in Mississippi was one of the catalysts of the modern Civil Rights movement in the 1950s and 1960s. 

Who is Emmett Till?


This day, May 8, 1945, celebrates Victory in Europe

What is V-E Day?


These "three R's" defined the New Deal policy of FDR in the early 1930s

What is relief, recovery, and reform?


These were the two sides of World War II

Who are the Axis Powers (Germany, Italy, and Japan) and the Allied Powers (Great Britain, France, the United States, the USSR, and others)


In this case, the United States Supreme Court ruled in favor of the government in allowing the internment of Japanese-American citizens

What is Korematsu v. United States?


Dr. Martin Luther King joined this group as part of the Montgomery Bus Boycott

What is the Montgomery Improvement Association (MIA)?


These are the dates and locations of the first (and only) two atomic bombs dropped in the history of war

What are Hiroshima (August 6, 1945)

and Nagasaki (August 9, 1945)?


This was the main feature of the Glass Steagall Act

What is it barred commercial banks from buying and selling stocks? (Remember, the government was providing insurance for the banks after so many failed but they wanted assurance the banks were not going to be irresponsible again.)


The "Nazi" Party derived its name from this

What is...


  • Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiterpartei, abbreviated NSDAP

  • Nationalsozialistische = Nazi Party


During World War II, 4 times as many people from these countries were granted entry into the United States compared to all of eastern and southern Europe

Where is Britain and Ireland?


This lead attorney who argued on the Brown v. Board of Education case, later went on to become a Supreme Court Justice

Who is Thurgood Marshall?


This famous "day" took place on June 6, 1944, the day the Allies stormed the beaches of Normandy, France

What is D-Day?


These are two New Deal Programs that still exist today

What are:

(1) Social Security

(2) Unemployment Insurance

(3) Federal agricultural subsidies (providing money to keep the price low or competitive)


During the Nazi invasion of Russia in the summer of 1941 these mobile killing units caused the death of 2 million people and over 1 million Jews

What is the Einsatzgruppen?


In May of 1943, violence between servicemen and Mexican-American "pachucos" was known as this and took place here

What are the Zoot Suit Riots in Los Angeles?


This was the official name (full name) of the event that Martin Luther King Jr. gave his "I Have a Dream" Speech on August 28, 1963

What is the March on Washington for Jobs and Freedom?


The German surrender in this city in 1943, was a major turning point in World War II

What is Stalingrad?


This theory of economics argues that government should spend money, even go into debt, in order to increase and demand (and stimulate the economy)

What is Keynesian economics?


This city was the most prominent death camp in the Holocaust, the place where the most people were killed

What is Auschwitz?


This Assistant Secretary of State under FDR was largely responsible for creating the "paper walls" to prevent Jews persecuted during the Holocaust from coming to the United States

Who is Breckenridge Long?


This violence associated with this specific event helped lead to a change in public opinion and the passing of the Voting Rights Act of 1965

What is the March from Selma to Montgomery?


This legislation (law) allowed the US to provide war supplies to nations it asserted were "vital to the defense of the United States" allowing the country to help foreign allies while still appearing to remain neutral

What is the Lend Lease Act?