Terms / Events
The British
First Nations

The biological warfare the British used on the First Nations Peoples.

What is smallpox?


Only about a third of them were given the land that they were promised.

Who are the Black Loyalists?


The act that outlined the rules for people living in North America

What is The Royal Proclamation.


Why the British did not allow French-speaking Catholics to hold positions of power in the government.

What is Oath of Allegiance to the King?


How the biological warfare delivered to the First Nations Peoples.

What are inoculated blankets?


British decided this was how they would deal with the French and First Nations living in the area.

What is assimilation?


Formally split Quebec into two colonies that each had their own House of Assembly with elected official overseen by appointed officials - Upper Canada and Lower Canada.

What was the purpose of the Constitutional Act in 1791?


The Treaty where the British promised certain lands to the First Nations, including the Ohio River Valley.

The Treaty of Niagara


The British territory on the eastern coast of North America.

The Thirteen Colonies.


The purpose of Chief Pontiac’s secret council meeting in 1762.

Planning an attack on the British


Loyal to the British and supported British rule.

Who are the Loyalists?


They did not trust the existing settlers there because they had remained neutral during the American Revolution.

Who were the Loyalists that arrived in the Maritime region?


The terms of this were intended to protect the rights of the residents of New France (including the Canadiens, the Acadians and the First Nations).

What was the Articles of Capitulation?


Protestors dressed up as First Nations people and raided a ship carrying British tea in Boston’s harbour.

What was the Boston Tea Party?


How the First Nations communicated with each other without the British finding out about their secret plan.

What is a Wampum Belt


Wanted to rebel against the British and become independent of them.

Who are the Patriots?


The Loyalists demanded separation from the existing settlers which resulted in Nova Scotia being divided into these three sections.

What was New Brunswick, Nova Scotia and Cape Breton?


The treaty ended the American Revolution.

What is the Treaty of Paris?


The reasons the Loyalists relocated to British North America.

What are offers of free land, tools and seeds from the British government?


Forced the French and First Nations to become British subjects and enforce British laws, customs and religion.

What were the goals of assimilation?


When the British government started to change the colonists’ taxes on goods that came from Britain without consulting them first.

What is Taxation without Representation?


They were promised the chance to own land that they could then pass on to their children.

What incentives did the British offer the Loyalists to encourage them to move to Atlantic Canada?

  • religious freedom
  • allowance for Catholics to hold political positions without denouncing their faith
  • restoration of the French civil law system while maintaining the British criminal law system
  • restoration of the seigneurial system of land ownership and use 
  • expansion of the French territory

What were the terms of the Quebec Act?


British were taking over the government of Quebec.

Land west of the ‘Proclamation Line’ would be reserved for First Nations' use.

Any future land deals were to be made in public and formalized by a treaty.

What were the rules of the Royal Proclamation?


The terms of the Treaty of Niagara were encoded on this.

What is the Covenant Chain Wampum Belt?