Who wrote Acts?
(1) Luke (2) Unknown (3) Paul (4) 1 and 2
The author is unknown; however all the evidence points to Luke as the author
Acts 16:9 What city was the man in Paul's vision from?
What verse in this lesson does the author (of The Book of Acts), joins in this missionary journey?
(1) verse 6 (2) verse 7 (3) verse 8 (4) verse 10
(4) Verse 10
In this lesson, what day of week was the sabbath?
(1) Sunday (2) Saturday (3) Wednesday (4) Friday
(2) Saturday
What is the full name of the book of Acts?
Acts of the Apostles
Acts 16:9 - What city was Paul in when the vision appeared to him? (1) Mysia (2) Troas (3) Macedonia (4) Philippi
(2) Troas
Acts 16:14 What is the name of the woman?
(1) Sara (2) Lydia (3) Martha (4) None of the above
(2) Lydia
In this lesson, on the sabbath where did the women go to pray?
(1) each other's homes (2) the river side (3) the mosque (4) the temple
(2) The river side
(1) Historical (2) Poetry (3) prophecy (4) none of the above
(1) Historical
The Book of Acts gives an historical account of the church immediately after Jesus' ascension. It tells of how the church grew from Jerusalem, the starting point, into the rest of the Roman Empire.
What city did Luke join Paul in this missionary journey? (1) Troas (2) Mysia (3) Macedonia (4) none of the above
(1) Troas
How do we know that the author was a part of this missionary journey?
Verses 6-8 they word "they" are used when speaking of Paul and his companions.
Verse 10 - instead of "they" it is now "we." This is the clue to show that the author (Luke) had joined the missionary journey
what was Lydia merchant/dealer of?
Purple Cloth
What book is immediately before Acts?
(1) John (2) 1 John (3) Luke (4) Romans
(1) John
Where was Lydia from?
16:14 Thyatira
In this lesson the author includes himself. Who are Paul's companions in this lesson? Who are the "we" in this lesson?
(1) Luke (2) Timothy (3) Silas (4) All of the above
(4) All of the above
Timothy - was described as Paul's spiritual son. Paul first met Timothy in Lystra during his second missionary journey (this journey). (See Acts 16:1-3)
Silas - Was one of Paul's main companions, he was chosen by Paul for this journey (2nd missionary journey). He was a leader in the Jerusalem church and a prophet.
Luke - the beloved physician was another key companion of Paul. He joined Paul during this journey (2nd missionary journey). Luke's detailed accounts of Paul's journeys in Acts indicate his close association with the apostle.
Biblically, what is the difference between a vison and a dream? (1) One is awake for a vision (2) dreams are not only from God (3) visions are only from God (4) dreams come during sleep (5) visions can be mental visions (6) All of the above (7) None of the above
(6) All of the above
Paul was in Asia, yet they Holy Spirit forbid him to preach there. Why? your thoughts
(1) Because Peter was preparing to go and preach there (2) No reason was given (3) because he had to be in Troas to receive the vision (4) because he had to meet Lydia as a specific time
There was no reason given. The possibilities can be any of (1) - (4).
Where did the Holy Spirit not allow Paul to go preach?
(1) Asia (2) Bithynia (3) All of the above (4) None of the above
(3) All of the above
Acts 16:6 - "...and were forbidden of the Holy Ghost to preach the Word in Asia."
Acts 16:7 - "...they assayed to go into Bithynia, but the Spirit suffered them not."
What was Paul's name at birth?
(1) Saul (2) Saul of Tarsus (3) Paul (4) All of the above
(4) All of the above
Paul was born in Tarsus, which was outside Jewish territory. He was a Roman citizen by birth. Saul is a Hebrew name; Paul is a Roman name. Saul's name was not ever changed to Paul by Jesus on the Damascus Road. Saul's name was never changed. He began to use Paul exclusively during the first missionary journey. It is quite possible that Saul/Paul had both names from childhood and began to use his Roman name as he travelled farther and farther into the Roman world.
Acts 16:15 - Who were baptized? (1) Lydia (2) Lydia's household (3) All of the above (4) None of the above
(3) All of the above