WCPSS Workplace
Health,Hygiene and Cross Contamination
Food Safety Basics
Meal Pattern

Who are our customers?

Students, staff, employees, parents and community members.


When cleaning up a spill, what is the safest process?

Mop the area and place a wet floor sign until dry.


There is no paper towels in the dispenser after you wash your hands. You dry your hands on your apron and start your next task. What is wrong?

1) Put paper towels in the dispenser

2) Never dry your hands on your clothing

*after replacing the paper towels, rewash your hands


Cold foods should be stored/held at what temperature?

41 degrees or lower


What are the five lunch components?

1) Meat/Meat Alt


3) Vegetable

4) Grain

5) Milk


A teacher tells you that they need to know if a student in her class is free. What do you say?

I'm sorry, I am unable to discuss a students status. Would you like to talk with the manager?


What must you do during a code yellow lock down?

ALL exterior doors must be locked.  Students and staff are allowed to continue normal activities but must stay within the same building.


What five items should be at a handwashing station in the kitchen?

Signs, soap, warm water, towels and trash can


What temperature should hot foods be held?

135 degrees or higher


How many components are required to be a reimbursable lunch? What is required to be on the plate as one of the components?

Three, one must be a fruit and/or vegetable


A coworker starts feeling sick while they are cashiering lunch.  They tell the manager and she asks you to take over the employees register. What do you do?

Never take over or use another employees register.  You must start cashiering with a fresh register that you have counted and verified with another employee.


A door dash delivery comes to the back door of the kitchen.  He states that he has a delivery for "Ms. Smith" a first grade teacher.  What do you do?

Tell him you are sorry but he will need to go to the main entrance and sign in through the front office.


When should we wash our hands?

after trash, switching tasks, using restroom, after break, before beginning work


What is the temperature danger zone?

41-135 degrees


Is a student required to take a milk at breakfast?

No, as long as they have 3 items and one of them is a fruit/vegetable


How many meals may a student charge until an alternate meal has to be served?

Students may charge up to the value of 3 breakfasts and 3 lunches. (amount will vary depending on grade level)


Students at your school are sending friend requests through social media. What is our policy?

Do not “friend” or connect with students via your personal social media accounts. Reference Board Policy 4040/7310 Student Staff Relations (New Manual), which prohibits employees from using non-school-controlled electronic communication to interact with students unless approved by a supervisor and a parent/guardian or as described in policy.  Employees are also prohibited from communicating electronically with students on platforms using content that disappears. In addition, all employees are expected to maintain a high degree of professionalism in their interactions with students and their parents.   


When should you restrict yourself from work?

vomiting, fever, diarrhea, exposure to one of the Big Six


What is the required temperature for reheating leftovers?

165 degrees for 15 seconds


A student has cereal and a milk for breakfast.  Is this meal reimbursable?

No, the student must have a fruit or vegetable on the tray.


What are the two prepayment options available for parents to add money to the students account?

1) My school bucks (online)

2) In the cafeteria at the POS. Check or cash is acceptable. Prepayment can be done at anytime during the day.


There is an announcement over the school intercom that states "Staff and students, we are in a code red lockdown." What do you need to do?

Check cafeteria for any students to bring in to kitchen.  Shut and lock all doors to the kitchen area and turn out all lights.  Go to interior room if able, lock door and remain quiet.


What is our policy for jewelry?

One gold band, no watches, med bracelets on ankle. or earrings small with no stone


Why is it important to follow recipes?

Accurate nutritional information, parents can see all data, special diet needs 


A student has milk, an apple and 1/2 cup of green beans for lunch. Is this a reimbursable meal?

Yes, the student has 3 of the 5 components and at least 1 of them is a fruit/vegetable.