Biology and Psychology
Fun with Psychos
Psych History
Part of the brain associated with rational, organized thinking. Typically not developed until age 25 or 26
What is the frontal lobe.
According to Freud, this part of the personality serves to moderate between the pleasure drives of the Id and the moralistic ideals of the Superego.
What is the Ego.
Allowing a time and space for a person to speak anything and everything that comes to mind in order to analyze the subconscious.
What is Free Association (know Freud's methods of psychoanalysis including free association, dream analysis, and analysis of slips of the tongue (Freudian Slips)
One of the first psychological theorist, credited with the first psychological experiment involving determining the difference between sensing the sound of a steel ball dropping and understanding that you have perceived the sound.
Who is Wilhelm Wundt.
Utilizing the concepts of classical and operant conditioning in order to shape behaviors. Includes strong reliance on rewards and punishments.
Behavioral Therapy.
Region of the brain located between the cerebral hemispheres that controls emotions and drives.
What is the limbic system
The drive for this is the ultimate goal of personality development according to Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs.
What is Self Actualization (Know the stages in order).
The classification of psychiatric disorders including major depressive disorder, bipolar disorder, and dysthymic disorder.
What is Mood Disorders. *Know the difference between Mood Disorders, Anxiety Disorders, Psychotic Disorders, and Disorders of Early Childhood
This man was known as the father of psychotherapy after developing psychoanalytic theory and psychosexual developmental theory.
Who is Sigmund Freud
A model of therapy involving evaluating the dynamics between thoughts, feelings, and behaviors.
What is Cognitive Behavioral Therapy
This portion of the nervous system is in charge of arousal and springs the body into fight or flight
What is the sympathetic nervous system.
Carl Rodgers believed that offering this radical form of acceptance contributed to personality development by freeing a person from the damaging elements of internal and external judgment. (Three words).
What is unconditional positive regard (Know all of the elements that contribute to positive personality development according to Rodgers)*
Romans 12:2 Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is—his good, pleasing and perfect will. Best personifies this type of therapy.
What is Cognitive Behavioral Therapy.
This famed behaviorist created extensive experiments to test the power of opererant conditioning.
Who is B. F. Skinner
A model of therapy involving identifying purpose and meaning in life that uses the concept of guilt as a springboard for productivity and doing more with your life and potential.
What is Existential Therapy.
Hemisphere of the brain associated with making inferences, creative thought, artistic expression, spatial arrangement, and musical ability.
What is Right Hemisphere
Two opposing personality types related to one's preference towards being alone or surrounded by others derived from Carl Jung's concept of archetypes.
What are introversion and extroversion. (know the definition of archetypes)
The region of the brain where the main characters in the movie "Inside Out" live most of the time.
What is The Limbic Region
Known as one of the fathers of humanistic psychology. Created the hierarchy of human needs.
Who is Abraham Maslow.
Model of therapy designed by Dr. Fritz Pearls involving confrontation, eliminating phoniness, and promoting authentic living. Interventions may include the empty chair technique.
What is Gestalt Therapy.
This sense has the strongest association with memories due to its placement in the brain closest to the memory regions.
What is the sense of smell.
The Elements of the Big Five personality factors form this acronym.
What is OCEAN. (Be Familiar with the Big 5 Personality Traits) Openness Conscientiousness Agreeableness Extroversion Neuroticism
This system of diagnosis is based on a wellness model rather than a disease model and is endorsed by the World Health Organization.
What is ICD-10 (Know the difference between IDSM 5 (American Psychiatric Association/ Disease Model) and ICD-10 (Wellness based, WHO endorsed)
Created a developmental model based on opposing elements generating a crisis for the individual to resolve as part of his or her development such as trust vs. mistrust.
Who is Erikson
Model of therapy involving using empathy, genuineness, and acceptance to promote a sense of unconditional positive regard. Answers typically are not give to clients as it is believed that the answers lie within and must be discovered by the client rather than dictated by the therapist.
What is Person-Centered Therapy.