Who was the man that was the first royal betrayal in the Bible?
The earthly parents of Jesus
Joseph and Mary
Jesus turned this into wine
This book contains 150 songs
When coming to youth service, you must never forget to bring
God gave him the Ten Commandments
He climbed a tree to see Jesus
Jesus fed thousands of people with this
5 Loaves and 2 fishes (a boy's lunch)
Last book of the Hebrew Scriptures
Finish this song to the best of your ability "I was breathing, but not alive
All my failures I tried to hide
It was my tomb
'Til I met You
You called my name
Then I ran out of that grave
Out of the darkness
Into Your glorious day
Father of the Faith
He paved the way for Jesus' earthly ministry by calling for all to repent
John the Baptist
The illness that the man had who was lowered through the roof to be healed by Jesus
He was Paralyzed
The four gospel written about Jesus life
Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John.
What was last month series topic
Friend of Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego
Daniel (Belteshazzar)
I wrote the book of Acts
He was raised from the dead by Jesus
This book talks about Pentecost day
Stephanie read what Bible passage last Monday
1 John 2:15-17
On what day was man created
The 6th day
The last word in the entire bible
Peter cut this off of one of the men arresting Jesus. Jesus restored it.
His Ear
This book of the bible (Revelations) was written by
Besides Monday night youth service, what other two things does New Hope Youth put out there so you can feel motivated and encouraged.
Fresh Start Mondays and Wednesday Devotional