What are the 3 programs in Outpatient?
Direct Services (Mentoring & Behavior Coaching)
What is considered a BIR?
Inappropriate behavior at home, school, or in the community.
Typically behaviors that limit or impede the client's ultimate success in the NHCC program.
Damage to property (minor or accident)
Violation of Outpatient Agreement
What else is CPI called?
The Integrated Experience
What is the main modality that we use at NHCC and what does it stand for?
What is the name of our CEO?
Tom Granado
What is the difference between Mentoring and Behavioral Coaching?
Behavioral Coaching is higher needs clients, Mentoring lower needs clients.
Who can dispose of medication?
Clinician with witness
What are the 4 staff attitudes/approaches?
Supportive, Directive, Safety Interventions, Therapeuitc Rapport
What is Stages of Change also known as?
Motivational Interviewing
If you have questions about benefits (medical) who can you contact to get your questions answered?
What does PIR stand for?
Performance Incentive Reward
What is NHCC paperwork policy?
3 day turnaround
What are the 4 Crisis Development/Behavioral Levels?
Anxiety, Defensive, Risk Behavior, Tension Reduction
What is rational detachment?
Not taking what clients say personally
getting too attached to clients
NHCC is a place of_____
List a boundary-crossing example. (What not to do)
Anything against boundaries
Who is a mandated reporter? What is considered mandated reporting?
Everyone at NHCC.
Report of suspected child abuse, neglect, exploitation, or abandonment.
What is SEAT?
What is the suicide intervention that NHCC uses and what does it stand for?
QPR Question, Persuade, Refer
It's ok to give out your personal cell phone for clients, guardians, families, and teams to call you.
False, This could lead to HIPAA only NHCC company approved cell phones can be used.
What is the Ideal Team Player?
Humble, Hungry, Smart
Who is responsible for keeping client demographics up to date?
BHTs or Clinicians
What is the Verbal Escalation Continuum?
Release, Refusal, Questioning, Tension Reduction, Intimidation
What is a quality of a poor therapeutic relationship?
taking on a role that is not yours, sharing personal information, not maintaining boundaries, lack of respect, lack of trust, ineffective communication
Name all the NHCC Centers (9)
Grace, Central, Roosevelt, Grand, Ironwood, Granada, Little Learners, Culinary Center, Service Center