When is New Year's Day?
It's January 1st.
Do you like English?
Yes, I do / No, I don't
Can you play soccer?
Yes, I can / No, I can't.
What would you like?
Where did you go in Kyoto?
I went to______ in Kyoto.
When is Christmas?
It's December 25th.
Do you watch baseball game?
Yes, I do./ No,I don't.
Where do you live?
Yes, I do / No, I don't.
How much is this?
It's ____ yen.
What did you see yesterday?
I saw ~ yesterday.
When is Halloween?
It's October 31st.
What's your favorite TV?
I like~./ My favorite TV is~.
How do you say"春夏秋冬" in English?
spring, summer, Autumn (fall), winter
160 yen plus 200 yen is?
360 yen.
What did you enjoy last weekend?
I enjoyed 〜 last weekend.
When is your birthday?
My birthday is October 2nd
What subject do you like?
I like ~ .
Where is it from?
It's from 〜.
How much is the cake and ice steak?
______ yen.
What did you eat this morning?
I ate 〜 this morning.
What do you want for your birthday?
I want a (yellow T-shirt)
What's your best memory?
My best memory is our ~.
Where do lions live?
Lions live in savanna.
How much are the hamburger and hot dog?
A hamburger is 570 yen. A hot dog is 290 yen. 860 yen, please.
How was your school trip?
It was ~.