You can not leave this without a phase 2 member or higher
A Building
This is the city where AA was founded
Akron, Ohio
What term describes when someone experiences both a mental health disorder and a substance use disorder at the same time
Co-occurring disorders
This is needed to build a relationship with God
You self diagnosis like this
Physically and Verbally
You need this to do most anything here at NH
Request Form
This medical person wrote the Doctor's Opinion
Dr. William Silkworth
Which of the following disorders are commonly seen alongside addiction: anxiety, depression, bipolar disorder or all the above
All the above
A "higher power" provides you with this
A defense
"I know I messed up, " he insists, "but I learned my lesson. It won't happen again"
You only get one of these
Drop Off
Acceptance is the key is located on this page in the Big Book
This mental illness is often characterized by extreme mood swings
Bipolar Disorder
This prayer is located on pg. 76 in the Big Book
7th step prayer
The definition of a disease
A morbid process with characteristic identifying signs and symptoms
What is the last thing you know you get, but the first thing people want
Bill Wilson was married to this woman
Lois Wilson
This mental health professional is often involved in addiction treatment plans to address Co-occurring disorders
The main objective of the Big Book is to
Enable you to find a power greater than yourself that will solve your problem
Alcoholics have an allergy of the body and this
Obsession of the mind
What do you do in phase 1
Learn about yourself
A alcoholic has this dilemma
This country has the highest rate of Depression
A person who believes that nothing is known or can be known of the existence of God
These 3 things define the disease of Alcoholism
Chronic, Progressive and Fatal