Test Taking Strategies
Mind and Body
General Test Taking
Know the Test
How hard should you try during the NJ ASK? How long do you get to complete an explanatory essay? How long do you get to complete an explanatory essay? How long do you get to complete an explanatory essay?
Your absolute hardest. Give it your all!
The night and morning of the NJASK I need to make sure I....
What is Get a good night's sleep and eat a healthy breakfast
What liquid should you be sure to drink at least one full glass of the morning before the test?
Water (It fuels the brain!)
What should you bring with you to the test?
A mind that is ready to work and try its best! If you wear glasses make sure to wear them to school everyday!
What days next week will you be taking the NJ ASK?
Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday
On a scale of 0 to 10, what is a healthy stress level during the test? (0 being no stress, 10 being maximum stress)
What is at least 3. Although you could shoot for 5.
When given a reading passage+ multiple choice QUESTIONS, WHAT IS THE FIRST THING YOU SHOULD DO?
What is Read the questions first, therefore you know what to look for while you are reading the passage!
How many hours of sleep should you get each night before the test?
8 hours (your brain needs rest to function!)
What type of prewriting could you do for a speculative writing piece?
What is Story Web Story Maps Listing Brainstorm- jot down ideas in no specific format Time line
What subjects are being tested on the NJ ASK?
3rd grader answer: LAL & Math 4th grade answer: LAL, Math, & Science 5th grade answer: LAL, Math
Name 2 reasons it is important to do your personal best on the NJASK test.
if you are not proficient in math, be offered enrichment opportunities if you are advanced proficient in either subject); It is a predictor of how well you will do on other standardized tests like the HSPA, SAT, Driver's test, or career field tests; The scores are used to see how our school compares to other school in NJ and you want to make NHCCS proud!
What is Take the time to reread, revise and edit. Taking this time might make the difference between a better grade. You CAN make changes to your writing!
Name an example of one healthy breakfast you should eat each morning before the test.
Answers will vary- should include a healthy carb (fruit, fruit juice, toast, cereal, etc) and some protein (eggs, yogurt, milk, cheese, etc)
What should you do if you don't know the answer to a multiple choice question?
Eliminate as many choices as possible, then make your best guess. NEVER leave a multiple choice blank. (Studies suggest you pick either letter B or C and use it consistently as your "guess" letter, unless of course you've eliminated that letter as an option)
On which days will you take which subject?
3rd graders: LAL on Monday & Tuesday, Math on Wednesday & Thursday 4th graders: LAL on Monday & Tuesday, Math on Wednesday & Thursday, and Science on Friday 5th graders: LAL on Monday & Tuesday, Math on Wednesday & Thursday
Name 2 non-academic things that can effect your performance on the test.
If you get in a fight with your parents or your peers the week of the test (so no drama during testing week!); If you get teased by your peers during testing week (so be nice to each other!); If you are too hard on yourself during the test or you get hung up on a question (it's okay to not know it all, just move forward and stay positive); If you let the clock stress you out (don't pay attention to when others flip the page or close their books); If you get in trouble during testing week (like for having a cell phone or dress code violation)
Before you close your text booklet you should....
What is Reread and proofread all of your writing. Try not to change any multiple choice answers since your FIRST choice is usually the BEST choice.
Name two things to leave turned off in your room to get the best night's sleep during the week of testing.
Answers may vary (cell phone, TV, video games, music players, lights, computers)
What are two strategies to give your best possible answer to a writing prompt?
Answers may include: spend time pre-writing, organize your thoughts, don't use words you can't spell, save time at the end to proof read, use your best handwriting, follow all mechanics rules (capital letters, punctuation, indenting paragraphs, etc).
What are the three types of questions on the LAL portion of NJ ASK?
Multiple Choice, Open Ended (OE), and Writing Tasks- also known as Generating Text (GT)
Name 2 things you can do to be as successful as possible and stay in the right frame of mind.
Take deep breathes to stay relaxed; use positive self talk to boost confidence; set goals to do your best; don't fizzle out as the week goes on- finish strong!; shower each morning to feel awake and refreshed; wear comfortable clothing and bring a sweatshirt in case your testing site is colder; although teachers can't answer specific questions you can still ask them- it could help you figure out the answer on your own!
Underlining and checking off ALL parts will help you when responding to a prompt... why?
What is because then I can get full credit for each part of the question.
Since you'll have very little homework the week of the NJ ASK, if any, what is a healthy after school activity you should do to keep oxygen flowing to your brain?
Excercise! (answers may include: go for a walk, play outside, any type of activity- preferably outdoors, weather permitting)
What are two strategies to give your best possible answer to an Extended Constructed Response (ECR) on the math portion of the test?
Answers may include: Use bullets in your answer for each part of the question, restate the question, explain your answer in words or using labeled numbers, keep your answer organized and inside the box provided, use proper math vocabulary when possible.
What are the three types of questions on the math portion of the NJ ASK?
Multiple Choice (MC), Short Constructed Response (SCR), and Extended Constructed Response (ECR)