
This approach presents students with real-world problems or scenarios that require them to apply knowledge and skills to find solutions. Students work collaboratively to investigate the problem, gather information, analyze data, and propose solutions. This approach fosters critical thinking, problem-solving skills, and the application of knowledge in authentic contexts.

What is Problem-Based Learning?


This strategy involves explicit teaching where the teacher presents information, models skills, and provides step-by-step guidance to students. It typically includes lectures, demonstrations, and structured practice activities. This approach is effective for introducing new concepts or skills, especially when the content is complex or requires foundational knowledge.

What is Direct Instruction?


This approach students with authentic or fictional cases that require analysis, problem-solving, and decision-making. Students analyze the provided information, apply their knowledge and skills, and propose solutions or recommendations. This approach promotes critical thinking, application of knowledge in real-life scenarios, and the development of problem-solving skills.

What is Case-Based Learning?


This approach focuses on students actively exploring and discovering knowledge through questioning, investigation, and problem-solving. Instead of presenting information directly, teachers facilitate student-led investigations, encourage critical thinking, and guide students in finding answers. This approach promotes student engagement, independent thinking, and the development of research skills.

What is Inquiry-Based Learning?


This strategy involves structured group activities where students work together to achieve a common goal. Students actively engage in discussions, collaborative tasks, and peer teaching to learn new information and skills. Cooperative learning promotes social interaction, communication skills, and the sharing of knowledge among students.

What is Cooperative Learning?


This approach involves the use of audio, visual, and interactive elements to present information. Teachers can use videos, slideshows, interactive websites, or multimedia tools to engage students and deliver content in a dynamic and engaging manner. Multimedia presentations cater to different learning styles and can enhance comprehension and retention of information.

What are Multimedia Presentations?


This strategy involves providing temporary support and guidance to students as they learn new information or develop new skills. Teachers break down complex tasks into manageable steps and gradually remove support as students gain proficiency. Guided practice allows students to apply their learning under the teacher's guidance, ensuring a smooth transition from introduction to independent application.

What is Scaffolding and Guided Practice?


This approach emphasizes hands-on experiences and real-life applications of knowledge and skills. It involves activities such as experiments, simulations, field trips, or project-based tasks where students actively engage in practical and meaningful learning experiences. Experiential learning enhances understanding, critical thinking, and the transferability of knowledge to real-world contexts.

What is Experiential Learning?


With this approach students access instructional content outside of class (e.g., through pre-recorded videos or readings) before attending class. Class time is then dedicated to activities, discussions, and application of the newly acquired knowledge. This approach promotes student-centered learning, active engagement, and personalized support during class time.

What is Flipped Classroom?