Mystery Category
Cat Facts
World Travel

Mt. Denali, is the tallest mountain in North America. It is located in this US state.

What is Alaska?


These things aren't just a cute part of your cat, they serve a very important function in assisting cats with getting around, especially at night.

What are whiskers?


This type of matter primarily makes up the outer most layer of the brain.

What is grey matter?


This word comes from the latin: "to press down" and it means when a person or group in power controls those with less power in cruel and/or unfair ways.

What is oppression?


Travel to the Space Needle! A really tall observatory that opened in this Northwestern city in 1962

What is Seattle?


This the remainder when you divide 43 by 7.

What is 1?


Cats share 95% of their genetic makeup with this big cat

What are tigers?


These are gigantic pieces of the Earth's crust and uppermost mantle. They are made up of oceanic crust and continental crust.

What is a tectonic plate?


When you see the prefix "post" in a vocab word, you can typically assume that it means *this*

What is "after"?


Travel to the Gold Coast, and enjoy one of it's long sandy beaches on the east coast of this continent.

What is Australia?


This is the last year the Bruins won the Stanley Cup.

What is 2011?
A house cat can run up to *this fast* over short distances

What is 30 MPH?


This is stuff in space that has gravity, but it is invisible and isn't like anything else we know about. Scientists believe it makes up about 27% of the universe.

What is Dark Matter?


This word means something that is clear and see through. It can also mean to be honest and forthcoming.

What is transparent? 


Travel to BANFF, a sprawling, green national park with majestic mountains! It is found in this country.

What is Canada?


This classic Disney character's trademark expired in January 2024, and he is now public domain!

Who is Mickey Mouse?


It is believed that this man, a famous scientist who formulated the laws of motion and gravity, invented the cat door.

Who is Isaac Newton?


In 2015, scientists first detected gravitational waves at the LIGO observatory. Gravitational Waves are caused by the collisions of black holes and other large gravitating masses out in space. They were first predicted way back in 1916 by this dude.

Who is Einstein?


Define the word "benevolent"

What is...nice, kind, cares about others, etc.


Travel to Machu Picchu, an Incan citadel set high in the Andes Mountains in South America. It is located in this country.

What is Peru?


Part of the GLX construction involved taking this T stop and moving it across the street.

What is Lechmere?


Only 20% of *this type of cat* are female

What are orange cats?


This is the name for a nerve fiber that typically conducts electrical impulses in the brain. Its function is to transmit information to different neurons, muscles, and glands.

What is an Axon?


Facetious, the only word that contains all the vowels, (in order!), means...this...

What is snarky, sarcastic, etc.


Travel to Lake Victoria, the world's second-largest fresh water lake (by surface). It is located in this continent!

What is Africa?