Who did it?
What's it called?
They did it first
Pot Pourri
This presidential campaign was among the first to see the potential of social networks and use social media effectively.
Who is Barack Obama?
In the United States, advertising contributes to this because, unlike non-democratic societies, citizens want information to help them choose between brands so they can continue to buy more and more.
What is consumerism (consumer culture)?
It is "advertising without advertising" or the "commercial that lasts forever."
What is product placement?
They were the first to use computer-based simulations (early video games) for training.
What is the Department of Defense?
This describes what happens when old media migrate into digital form and then into cyberspace.
What is convergence?
His philosophy of public relations gave early public relations a bad reputation. He is famous for saying, "There's a sucker born every minute."
Who is P.T. Barnum?
It is the naming system that gives every document on the Internet an "address" that anyone can easily access.
What is URL (Universal Resource Locator)?
A TV commercial for a home alarm system tries to create product affinity by appealing to our need for security, an idea directly related to a this psychologist's theory.
What is Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs?
This was the first mass medium to use advertising--paid announcements posted by local merchants--to bring in revenue.
What is the newspaper?
Digital immigrants may prefer reading a traditional newspaper rather than one online because they are more comfortable reading from left to right, top to bottom, or in a ____________ type of content delivery.
What is linear?
He wrote a code of ethics for public relations professionals explaining, essentially, that "honesty is the best policy" when dealing with the media and the public.
Who is Ivy Lee?
It's a idea that takes off rapidly, especially through social media, spreading through cultures like a virus through the body.
What is a meme?
It's still the medium that gets the most advertising money during elections.
What is television.
He is considered the "Father of Public Relations," and invented the idea of public relations agencies and crisis management.
Who is Ivy Lee?
During a public relations crisis, this is the most important thing to do.
What is tell the truth?
He is NOT the "father of the Internet," although he did pass legislation that funded the building of the "information superhighway."
Who is Al Gore.
This is when public relations professionals use a wide range of media, including the Internet, traditional media, and all forms of new media to get messages out for their clients.
What is 360 degree campaign.
Starbucks sells coffee. Subway sells sandwiches. They are both, however, trying to create an emotional relationship or ______.
What is product affinity?
They turned their negative public relations positive by being the first to create tamper-proof packaging.
What is the Tylenol crisis?
Books do it, films do it, music does it. Even though it is not a mass medium, advertising does it, too, and has to do a good job to be successful
What is storytelling?
He is considered "the Father of the Internet," because he developed the communication language that enabled the World Wide Web to be available to the world.
Who is Tim Berners-Lee.
This is what Starbucks has successfully created by developing a strong emotional relationship between its brand and its customers.
What is product affinity?
This company's legendary commercials sold "cool" to consumers by showing a new way of listening to music.
What is Apple?
It could have been M&Ms but instead it was Reese's Pieces. This was one of the first famous examples of what.
What is product placement?
It's putting misinformation out about an event or issue in an attempt to hide the truth.
What is spin?