Best. Day. Ever.
I Can't Believe They Lied to Me!
Sounds Fun!
Hidden Awesomeness
That's Cute
One I spend working on my talents and strengths together with others to make the world a better place.
Who is Delaney Evans
I play multiple instruments, like the sounds a sharpie makes on cardboard, and love to ski.
Who is Trenton Leffel
Skiing, hiking, climbing, softball, golf, lifting, running, filling out lists of hobbies, other sports, games, movies, Tough Mudders, and not yoga.
Who is James Free
He says: I'm pretty good at making fart noises with my hands. She says: I can't believe he said that. Actually, yes I can. And I'm talented at cooking and artistic things.
Who are David and Mel George
We met at the county fair
Who are Pat and Naomi James
Getting to sleep in, go for a small hike, take a nap, then go to a nice dinner then a late evening concert.
Who is Trenton Leffel ****BONUS POINTS****
I have been on a cruise. I have been to Amsterdam. I have been in every state but one.
Who is Jason Lewis
He says: Hunting She says: Cooking Family says: Raising our goats & chickens, and camping
Who are the Russells
I can touch my tongue to my nose
Who is Trenton ****BONUS POINTS****
We met through a mutual friend
Who are Annie Zhang and Clayton Bargsten
Having good sleep, eating amazing food and playing games with friends.
Who is Annie Zhang
I only have one sibling. Besides being a Packers fan, I'm also a Seattle Seahawks fan. I have a two year old yorkie that I rescued. I only have one sibling.
Who is Makena Myers
Taking care of our dogs, 60+ lambs, and 13 cows.
Who are Pat and Naomi James ****BONUS POINTS****
He says: I compete in Lineman Rodeos (finished top three in every rodeo participated but has never won 1st...... YET.....) She says: Favorite hunting is pheasant hunting, and has been to Haiti
Who are Dane and Valerie Hanson
We knew of each other in High School, but went to different schools. We reconnected on Facebook, he flew out to visit, and the rest is history!
Who are Dane and Valerie Hanson
He says: Sleeping in, or at least not waking up before the sun, eating a good breakfast with my family and then going skiing for the day, afterwards getting some dinner together, followed by a relaxing night at home. She says: Spending the day hiking and eating good food.
Who are Brian and Kari Hinkel
I've spent 38 years of my life skiing. I started working for ski patrol at age 15. I run every day.
Who is Brian Hinkel
He says: Craft brew, sports, and beard maintenance. She says: Softball, hiking, running, hanging out with our dog, traveling.
Who are David and Mel George ****BONUS POINTS****
Daily Double!! My favorite movie is My Son, My Savior. I love horses.
Who is Halle Russell
Daily Double!!! I am a great singer, and I love helping out around the house. I like coloring, singing, drawing with chalk, blowing bubbles, and skiing!
Who is Keona Hinkel
Daily Double!!! My dad says I am a natural athlete, easily learning and playing almost all sports. I like Basketball, Wallball, Skiing, Martial Arts, playing with friends
Who is Micah Hinkel
I once killed a deer with an axe. I'm scared of heights. I love Disney Pixar Movies.
Who is Dane Hanson
He says: golf, pool,GRILLING and hiking. She says: 4 wheeling, camping, cooking hanging out in the backyard with a fire.
Who are Jason and Brittani Lewis
I'm an avid winter camper
Who is Kristian Botten
At a church New Member Welcome event
Who are James Free and a girl who now thinks that things are moving too fast