Historical Sources
State Symbols
New Mexico Festivals
Geography of New Mexico
Settlement in New Mexico
What is a primary source?
First-hand accounts or original objects and documents from the past.
What is the state vegetable?
Where does the burning of Zozobra take place every year?
Santa Fe
Describe the geography of New Mexico.
Desert, Mountains, Small plants, Almost no water
What is a province?
An area of land with unique physical features, as well as, distinct plants and animals.
Give 1 example of a primary source.
ex. Newspaper, diaries, letters, autobiographies, photographs, paintings, maps, videos, interviews
What is the state gem?
The largest event held in Albuquerque, which draws visitors from across the world every year in October.
Albuquerque International Balloon Fiesta
Why is water important to New Mexico?
Allows us to live by giving us water to drink, growing crops, and even giving us power.
What are the four provinces of New Mexico?
Rocky Mountains, Colorado Plateau, Basin and Range, and The Great Plains
What is 1 advantage of using primary sources in history?
Primary sources can reveal what a person was thinking and feeling during the event, as well as, capturing the event actually happening (photograph).
What is the state nickname?
"The Land of Enchantment"
What happens during the Zozobra festival?
The Zozobra puppet is burned with bad feelings from the year.
How do animals/plants survive in the desert?
Adaptation over time; Water storage, stay underground during the day and above ground at night.
Describe the Rocky Mountain Province.
The Spanish chose Santa Fe as the capital because of the region it was in. The mountains would protect the settlers and the river would assist in farming. Santa Fe is the largest city in this province. This area has a Hispanic majority.
What is one disadvantage of a primary source?
Primary sources are usually from one point-of-view, which can give only one side in an event.
What is the state flower?
How does the Albuquerque Balloon Fiesta impact the economy of New Mexico?
The economy is impacted because the Albuquerque Balloon Fiesta brings in visitors who spend money on hotels, food, etc..
How has geography brought new technologies to our state?
The "Hidden" city of Los Alamos was used to build the atomic bomb; Spaceport America was used because of the wide open spaces; The Very Large Array was placed in the desert to make sure city lights were not affecting the telescopes range.
What is the settlement pattern of the Great Plains Province?
Many people do not live in the rural areas here because of the lack of water. This province has many large cities because people are seeking jobs. This area has a white majority population.
Give an example of a primary source we have used in this class.
"The Laws of the Indies"
What is the state bird?
Why is Zozobra important to Santa Fe?
It has been a part of our culture for almost 100 years.
How does water impact economic growth?
By forcing the government to find new sources of water when there is none. By forcing people who live in rural areas to move into cities.
What will happen to the population of New Mexico if there is a prolonged drought in the future?
Populations will move to other states, New Mexico will have to find new sources of water, etc..