The Sun
Inner planets
Outer planets

What is the sun composed of?

Hydrogen and Helium 


Why is Mars known as the "Red Planet"?

Mars is known as the Red Planet because of its reddish appearance from iron oxide. 


Name the outer planets and list them from biggest in size to smallest in size. 

Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune.


How big is the sun?

The sun is 864,400 miles across. 


Name the inner planets in order from largest to smallest in size.

Earth, Venus, Mars, Mercury


What type of star is the sun?

The sun is a G-type main sequence star.


What are the inner planets composed of?

Rocks and metals


What is the process of nuclear fusion in the sun?

Nuclear fusion in the sun is when hydrogen is converted into helium deep in the sun's core.

Around how many moons or rings orbit around the inner planets, and name the two moons that orbit around Mars.

Few to no moons or rings orbit around the inner planets and Phobos and Deimos orbit around Mars.


How does the sun begin to die?

The sun begins to die when the core of the sun starts to run out of hydrogen gas.


Name the relation between the inner planets to the other planets and their orbits. 

The inner planets 2 times, 3 times, or other multiple times the next outer planet orbits.