Freedom of speech, religion, press, assembly, and petition.
Article 1 describes.....
Legislative Branch
1st President, President of Constitutional Convention
George Washington
Who was the first vice president
John Adams
Direct tax on printed materials (newspapers, legal documents); led to widespread colonial protests.
Stamp Act (1765)
Which pop singer’s real name is Robyn Fenty?
Who threatens to remove the gingerbread's gum drop buttons?
Lord Farquad
What is the name of the Halloween theme that Carowinds opened during the 2000 Halloween season?
Carowinds Halloween Adventure
The Haunted Park
The Carolina Fright
What song does Jack sing when he enters Christmas land?
"What's this?"
Right to bear arms.
Article 2 describes.......
Executive Branch
Brought experience and compromise (hint he's on the $100 bill)
Ben Franklin
What rebellion did Washington himself put down as president. It established the power of the executive branch
Whiskey Rebellion
British policy of avoiding strict enforcement of parliamentary laws, allowing colonies to flourish independently until the end of the French and Indian War.
Salutary Neglect
What is the largest country in the world by land area?
What flavor is Prince Charming's chapstick?
What is the name of the first roller coaster that opened in Carowinds?
Thunder Road
The Carolina Cyclone
The Wild Bull
The Carolina Goldrusher
The Carolina Goldrusher
What does Sally feed the evil doctor?
Poisoned soup
Right to a fair and speedy trial.
Article 3 describes........
Judicial Branch
Secretary of Treasury and Federalist Papers
Alexander Hamilton
Who did Jefferson buy the Louisiana Purchase from?
Economic policy where colonies exist to benefit the mother country by providing raw materials and serving as a market for finished goods.
What is the chemical symbol for water?
Who does Princess Fiona beat up in the woods?
Robin hood and his men
In what year did Carowinds originally open?
What is Jack's dog's name?
Protection against unreasonable searches and seizures.
Fourth Amendment
Article 7 describes
Ratification of the Constitution
Father of the Constitution
James Madison
Who were the two explorers of the Louisiana Purchase?
Lewis and Clark
Radical group led by Samuel Adams that opposed British taxation and organized protests.
Sons of Liberty
In the movie Finding Nemo, what type of fish is Nemo?
What does Princess Fiona send Donkey into the field to retrieve?
A blue flower with red thorns
Which famous character became the theme for the children's section of the park during the 2010 park operating season?
Fred Flintstone
How many children kidnap Mr. Sandy Claus?
No cruel or unusual punishment.
Article 4 describes
Relations between states and federal gov
"Give me liberty or give me death"
Patrick Henry
What did Marbury v Madison establish
Judicial Review
Pamphlet by Thomas Paine arguing for independence from Britain.
Common Sense (1776)
In Toy Story, what is the name of Woody’s loyal horse companion?
Who is the first to discover that Princess Fiona is an ogre?
What is the name of the Dale Earnhardt themed ride that opened in Carowinds in 2010, that features a 211 foot drop and reaches a speed of 80 miles per hour?
The Vortex
The Intimidator
The Dale Earnhardt Experience
The Intimidator
How do the members of Halloweentown learn of Jack's "death?"
The mayor goes around town announcing it.