The Bill of Rights is based on the Virginia Declaration of Rights written by this person.
Who is George Mason?
State delegates met here to write a new constitution.
Where is Philadelphia?
A 2 party system emerged during his adminstration.
Who is John Adams?
It provided this type of government.
What is a week national government?
This document was signed at the end of the Constitutional Convention.
What is the Constitution?
The Bill of Rights is based on the Virginia Statute for Religious Freedom written by this person.
Who is Thomas Jefferson?
He was elected president of the Constitutional Convention.
Who is George Washington?
The war of 1812 occurred during his presidency, resulting in the European nations gaining respect for the United States.
Who is James Madison?
It gave Congress this among the states.
What is no power to tax or regulate commerce?
This had to happen for the Ratification of the Constitution.
What is a minimum of 9 of the 13 states had to vote in favor of the Constitution?
The first 10 Amendments make up part of this document.
What is the Constitution?
During the convention delegates debated over this. (2 answers).
What is how much power should be given to the new government and how states should be represented in the new government?
Who is James Monroe?
There was no common of this.
What is common currency?
This document was written during the American Revolution.
What is the Articles of Confederation?
Freedom of Speech and Freedom of Religion are written guarantees in this document.
What are the first 10 amendments to the Constitution?
This decided how many votes each state would have in the Senate and the House of Representatives.
What is the Great Compromise?
These 3 accomplishments occurred during Thomas Jefferson's time as president. (3 answers)
What is: 1) Bought Louisiana from France. (Louisiana Purchase). 2) Lewis & Clark led an expedition west of the Mississippi River. 3) Sacagawea (Shoshone Indian) & York (African American) were forced to assist with the expedition.
Each state got this, regardless of their size.
What is one vote?
These are the 2 party systems that emerged during John Adam's administration. (2 answers)
The Bill of Rights satisfied the wishes of this group.
Who is the Anti-federalists?
The structure of the new national government included this. (Name all parts.)
What is 3 separate branches of the government? (Legislative, Executive, and Judicial)
These 3 things happened during George Washington's time as president. (3 answers).
What is 1) The Federal Court System was established. 2) Bill of Rights was added to the Constitution. 3) Plans were created for the development of the National Capital in D.C.
These branches were missing. (2 answers)
What are the executive and judicial branches?
This person, an African American astronomer and surveyor helped complete the design for the City.
Who is Benjamin Banneker?