Keeping countries, colonies, and cities straight
Different Systems, etc.
Wealthy People
The first governor of New Netherlands
Who is Peter Minuit?
The colony founded by the Dutch in the New World.
What is New Netherlands?
A system created by the Dutch to get settlers to come to North America where anyone who brought over 50 settlers would receive a large amount of land.
What is the Patroon System?
Robert Livingston was the owner of a large __________ in the Hudson River Valley.
What is a manor?
A later governor of New Netherlands who started the "rattle watch".
Who is Peter Stuyvesant?
The city in Netherlands in Europe
What is Amsterdam?
Someone who had their trip over to the New World paid for by their boss. In return they had to work until they paid off their debt.
Who is an indentured servant?
Frederick Phillipse started up a __________________, which grinds wheat into flour.
What is a gristmill?
This governor was nicknamed "Old Peg Leg".
Who is Peter Stuyvesant?
The Dutch country in Europe.
What is Netherlands?
Someone who lives on someone else's land (manor) and must give the owner part of what they grow to pay for using the land.
Who is a tenant farmer?
This man was the British King's brother, who was in charge of taking over New Netherlands. The colony was then named after him.
Who is James, Duke of York?
This governor bought Manhattan Island from the Lenni Lenape for the equivalent of $24 today. The Native Americans did not realize they were selling the land.
Who is Peter Minuit?
The Dutch city in the New World, named after a Dutch city in Europe.
What is New Amsterdam?
Someone who was forced over to the New World, forced to work, and was not given freedom.
Who is a slave?
British Governor William Cosby threw ____________________ in jail for writing negative things about him in the newspaper, The Weekly Journal. He was found not guilty and helped ensure our "Freedom of the Press".
Who is John Peter Zenger?
This is the first British governor of New York.
Who is Richard Nicolls?
The name of the new colony in the New World after the British took over.
What is New York?
The explorer who sailed for the Netherlands and claimed the area for the Dutch.
Who is Henry Hudson?