Flexible twigs or pieces of synthetic material used for making baskets or furniture; (6)
What is Wicker
1/26/1788; The British established a settlement in this future continent as 11 ships with 778 convicts arrived, setting up a penal colony to relieve overcrowded prisons in England.
What is Australia
Due to being "opportunistic scavengers" and omnivores, this ring-tailed mammal can eat almost anything.
What is Raccoon
Ricotta, Gruyere, Mozarella.
What is Cheese
"Bruce" was the nickname given to the animatronic shark during the filming of this movie.
What is Jaws
Soft speech produced without using the full voice.; (7)
What is Whisper
1/8/1987; This collection of 30 blue-chip companies first topped the 2,000 mark.
What is DOW Jones
Burrows from a colony of 400 million of these animals in Texas once covered 25,000 square miles.
What is Prairie Dogs
Credit, Playing, Trading.
What is Cards
In 1969 this Beatle changed his middle name from Winston to Ono.
Who is John Lennon
Authorization of assurance of quality for a refund; (8)
What is Warranty
1/28/1986; This US Space Shuttle exploded 74 seconds into its flight, killing seven people, including Christa McAuliffe, a teacher who was to be the first ordinary citizen in space.
What is Challenger
The German name for this animal is "Nilpferd", or "Horse of the Nile."
What is Hippopotamus
Hula Hoop, Belt, Apron Strings.
What is Around the waist
This term for the hair below a Clydesdale horse's knees is the same as the word for a bird's plumage.
What is Feather
Line indicating the heights of tide, or a faint design that identifies the maker; (9)
What is Watermark
1/1/1776; George Washington unveils the first version of this, named "The Grand Union."
What is Flag
Scientists named an anticoagulant found in the saliva of a species of this animal "Draculin."
What is Bat
Your nose, a lock, a pocket.
What is Pick
This artists "Self-Portrait With Pipe and Bandaged Ear" can be see in in The Courtauld Gallery in London.
Who is Vincent Van Gogh
Another name for the African Gnu Antelope; (10)
What is Wildebeest
1/10/1984;The U.S. and this place established full diplomatic relations after a break of 116 years.
What is Vatican
California's official state fossil is this feline known for its canines.
What is Sabre-toothed Tiger
Bottomless, Arm, Cherry.
What is Pit
The longest word in the English dictionary is "Pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis" a disease that effects this organ.
What is Lungs