Noise, or a tennis tool; (6)
What is Racket
His father, Charles A., Sr. was a Minnesota congressman.
Who is Charles Lindbergh
She rewrote "Elinor and Marianne" off & on for more than a decade before it became "Sense and Sensibility."
Who is Jane Austen
Cucumber, Shamrock, Emerald.
What is Green
This bus company serves more than 2,200 destinations & has 16,000 daily departures across the country. It also shares it's name with a dog.
What is Greyhound
Game with a wheel and numbers at a casino; (8)
What is Roulette
He came to power in Italy 11 years before Hitler did in Germany.
Who is Mussolini
In this story, an unlucky Cuban fisherman catches a huge fish, only for sharks to eat it.
What is Old Man and the Sea
Shoe, Fog, French.
What is Horn
The murder of Marion Crane in this 1960 film is one of the most famous in film history.
What is Psycho
Spinning spit for cooking meat, primarily chicken; (10)
What is Rotisserie
This famous feminist's middle initial stood for Brownell.
Who is Susan B Anthony
This Tolstoy epic of Russian society between 1805 & 1815 contains more than 500 characters.
What is War & Peace
Scoville, pH, Major.
What is Scale
A 1999 law officially adopted this country's rising sun flag & its anthem, whose title means "his majesty's reign."
What is Japan
Round room or building; (7)
What is Rotunda
The violins made in Cremona today still follow the design he created in the 1600s.
Who is Stradivarius
Characters in this Dickens classic include Master Charles Bates, Mr. Bumble, & Bill Sikes.
What is Oliver Twist
John Paul Stevens, Byron R. White, Harry A. Blackmun.
What is Justices
In Russian, a shapka is this clothing item. A mikhavaya shapka is a fur one to keep your ears warm.
What is Hat
Held in good honor and respect from others; (9)
What is Reputable
This New Zealander who conquered Mt. Everest also explored the South Pole.
Who is Edmund Hillary
In this Stephen King novel, author Paul Sheldon is held hostage by his No. 1 fan.
What is Misery
Long, Virgin, Treasure.
What is Island
This was the play Lincoln was watching when he was assassinated.
What is Our American Cousin