Scout Skills
Life or Death
First Aid Skills

How to prevent blisters on your feet

What is wearing shoes that fit properly, changing socks when wet, and paying attention to how your feet feel?

(Tenderfoot 4a)


When someone is choking and cannot speak, cough or breathe.

When should you use the Heimlich?

(Tenderfoot 4a)


The first knot you learn in Scouting; also the knot found on some uniforms.

What is the Square Knot? Demonstrate the Square Knot

(Scout 4a)


First aid for a small cut.

What is wash the area with soap and water, apply an antiseptic, and keep the wound clean with a bandage? 

(Tenderfoot 4a)


Signs and first aid for dehydration.

What is fatigue, headache and muscle aches, and confusion, and re-hydrating the body with water? 

(Second Class 6a)


5 of the 10 Scout Essentials

What are a pocketknife, first aid kit, extra clothing, rain gear, water bottle, flashlight, trail food, matches and fire starters, sun protection, map and compass?


Very hot skin, red skin damp or dry with sweat, rapid pulse, noisy breathing, confusion, irritability and unconsciousness. 

What are the symptoms of a heat stroke?

(Second Class 6a)


Explain the first aid for a puncture wound from a nail, splinter or fish-hook.

What is  remove the item if possible, scrub the area with soap and water and apply an antiseptic and bandaid; if fish hook is barbed, wash and cover and seek medical help, and seek medical help if its been more than 7 years since your last tetanus shot?

(Second Class 6a)


5 Common signs of a heart attack.

What is uncomfortable pressure in the center of the chest, unusual sweating, nausea, shortness of breath and a feeling of weakness.

(First Class 7c)


3 methods for purifying water

What are boiling, purification tablets and filters? 


The first aid when someone has stopped breathing.

What is: Open the airway (lie the victim on their back, clear tongue and any other obstruction). If the airway seems to be open and the victim is still not inhaling and exhaling, begin rescue breathing (give breath every 5 seconds while watching chest rise). If the victim’s chest doesn’t rise recheck the airway and perform the Heimlich maneuver. Resume rescue breathing; continue until medical help arrives and tells you to stop. (Second Class 6b)


Demonstrate how to tie a taut-line hitch. 


Explain first aid for animal bites.

What is scrub the bite with soap and water to remove saliva, cover the wound with a sterile bandage and get the victim to the doctor, and do not try to catch the animal. 

(Second Class 6a)


First aid for shock.

What is: Eliminate the cause by restoring breathing and heartbeat, controlling bleeding, relieving severe pain and treating wounds. Making sure the airway stays open for breathing. Have the injured person lie down. Raise their feet to move blood from legs to vital organs. Keep them warm. Get emergency medical care. 

(Second Class 6a)


The things a safe fire pit or fire area should include.

What are an area where nothing but the wood you feed the fire will burn, such as metal fire rings, grills or stone fireplaces; created on gravel, sand or bare earth; away from branches, roots or boulders that could be scarred by the fire; pine needles, leaves twigs and anything else that might burn cleared away, and a filled fire bucket nearby. 

(Second class 2a.b.c)


First aid for a poisonous snake bite.

What is get the victim to a doctor ASAP so that they can neutralize the venom, remove jewelry that might cause problems if the area swells, have the victim lie down and position the bitten part lower than the rest of the body, treat for shock; use a venom extractor, if available within 3 minutes of the bite. Do not make any cuts on the bite. (Tenderfoot 4a)


Demonstrate the Clove Hitch


Explain treating blisters on your feet aside from draining the fluid. 

What is stopping as soon as you feel a hotspot, shape moleskin into a donut and place it over the blister or use a gel pad for treating burns, or use a piece of duct tape to cover the area. 

(Tenderfoot 4c)


The broken bone pierces the skin vs the broken bone does not pierce the skin.

What is the difference between simple and compound fractures?


Name 3 local poisonous plants.

What are poison ivy, poison oak, poison sumac, jimson weed, mountain laurel, water hemlock, azaleas, white snakeroot, stinging nettle and celandine? 

(Tenderfoot 4b)


First aid for a heat stroke

What is: Move the victim to a cool, shady spot. Cool them any way possible: remove clothing, cover with wet towels or clothes, place them in a stream or bathtub. Keep the victim laying down with head and shoulders slightly raised. Monitor the victim closely: their temperature could go up again, they might vomit or require rescue breathing. Get emergency help right away. (Second Class 6a)


Demonstrate the bowline knot


Explain first aid for a first degree burn.

What is treat immediately by holding the burn under cold water or applying cool, wet compresses until there is little or no pain, or use a burn gel pad? 

(Tenderfoot 4a)


4 of the symptoms of shock

What are no symptoms may be displayed, weakness, confusion, fear, and/or dizziness; skin that is moist, clammy, cool and pale; a quick, weak pulse; shallow, rapid and irregular breathing; nausea and vomiting, or extreme thirst. 

(Second class 6a/ 6b)