The number of unexcused absences during summer school that renders a student ineligible to receive credit
What is 3?
Author of The First Days of School
Who is Harry Wong?
She is the attendance supervisor.
Who is Val Sitz Nunley?
What is doctor?
Who is David Arendsee?
The number of times a student can be retained in any given grade level
What is 1?
This type of grouping is most recommended for working cooperatively
What is heterogeneous?
If you have any conflicts or general questions, this is the person you contact first.
Who is the principal?
Fill in the blank:
Teachers who are crazy enough to think they can change the world, ___________________.
What is usually do?
Who is April Dalton?
If a non-tenured teacher's contract is not renewed, the director of schools must contact the person this way and by this time.
What is written notice within five business days after the last instructional day of school?
Three most important student behaviors that must be taught during the first days of school
What are discipline, procedures, and routines?
Name 3 principals and which school they work at
Who are Jamie Hill-Pelham, Jamie Ruehling-Swiss, Paul Conry-GCHS, Alisa Boyd-Coalmont, Melissa Tipton-Tracy City, and Jennifer Brown-North?
This was the word on the memory game from our April meeting.
What is orange?
Who is Courtney Baskin?
These people can be dismissed due to a reduction in force because of a decrease in enrollment or for other good reasons
Who is anyone?
Three major characteristics of effective teachers
What are high expectations, good classroom managers, and design lessons to help students reach mastery?
This person is the Federal Programs Supervisor.
Who is Dr. Jennifer Webb?
What are hands?
Fifth Grade
Who are Shanda Camp and Rachel Nolan?
Five reasons a principal can suspend an employee for three days
What are incompetence, inefficiency, neglect of duty, unprofessional conduct, and insubordination?
According to the section How to Achieve Happiness and Success as a Teacher, the difference between a job and a career is this.
What is a job is something a person does specifically and a career is what a person pursues as a lifetime?
Name 3 board members.
Who are Rick Rust, Margaret Thomas, Phyllis Lusk, Catrina Magouirk, Justin Harris, Eric Birdwell, Lebron Coffelt, Gary Don Melton, and Michelle Travis?
Fill in the blank:
Rules are Good! Rules help control the _____.
What is fun?
Who is Brentni Rymer?