Whats the name of the messenger angel that spoke to Daniel, Zechariah, & Mary
How many times did Satan tempt Jesus in the wilderness?
3 - Food, manipulate God to rescue him, Ruler of the world if he worships Satan. Matt 4:1
Who was on the Mt of Transfiguration with Jesus?
Moses & Elijah and Peter, James, & John.
How many Apostles followed Jesus?
The 25th chapter of Matthew tells a story about two animals. What were the animals?
Sheep and Goats
Number of books in the New Testament
The number of days Jesus was in the Wilderness.
Jesus cast out a legion of demons from 2 men that were living in a graveyard in the Gadarenes. Where did he send the demons?
Pigs Matthew 8:28
How many brothers did Jesus have?
4 - James, Jude, Joseph, Simon & unnamed sisters.
On the 3rd day after Jesus' crucifixion, Jesus walked with two men. Where were they headed?
Emmaus Luke 24:13
The Angel Gabriel told Mary about the extraordinary pregnancy of her cousin. What was her cousin's name?
The place where Jesus preached when he went home to Nazareth.
The number of loaves of bread that Jesus had to work with to feed the 5,000.
five loaves
This parable is about a father and his two sons. One that returned poor and desperate
"The Parable of the Prodigal Son" Luke 15::11
The 50th day after the resurrection. Where did the Holy Spirit descended upon the disciples in the form of fire upon their heads.
The Feast of Pentecost
Where is Jesus from?
The name of the two disciples whose dad's name was Zebedee.
James and John
In which Gospels will you find the story of feeding the 5000?
All of the Gospels
Jesus told a parable about a rich man and a poor man. Whats the name of the poor man? They both died and one went to heaven & the other hades
Lazarus Luke 16:19
The name of Paul before his conversion.
Around what year was Jesus Born?
0-3 BC
Where did Jesus speak these sayings like "Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven."
The Sermon of the Mount
What languages were used in writing the bible?
Hebrew, Greek, & Aramaic
A little man who climbed a Sycamore Tree to see Jesus.
The name of the country in which Philip baptized a eunuch.