She was an unwed teenage mother, but her baby did not belong to her husband Joseph, it was from God.
This was the greatest and best miracle, the one that all the others were pointing to as signs of God's Power to do anything. This miracle is where we place our hope.
The place where Jesus was baptized by the prophet John.
Jordan River
He was the one to betray Jesus for 30 pieces of silver.
He told his fellow disciples except I shall see in his hands the prints of the nails I will not believe in the resurrection
They are God's messengers. Often when they deliver a message to humans, they have to begin by saying, "Fear Not!"
In one of his first public events, Jesus spoke in the synagogue in Capernaum. There he met a man who needed healing, so Jesus cast these out of him.
This was the parable Jesus told about seeds scattered on rocky soil, weedy soil, the path, and good soil. The seed in good soil takes root and grows. The same is true with faith.
parable of the sower
The time when Peter remembered Jesus' prediction that he would deny his Lord three times.
rooster crowing
In Matthew 14 Jesus walks on the Sea of Galilee and this disciple briefly walks out to meet him
They were the first witnesses of Christ's birth, which they heard about while tending sheep outside of Bethlehem.
He was lowered through the roof of a house by his four friends in order to come face-to-face with Jesus. Jesus forgave his sins, then told him to get up and walk.
It happened when Jesus took some of his disciples with him up on a mountaintop. Moses and Elijah appeared and Jesus glowed like lightning.
She was one of the first to see the empty tomb on Easter morning, and the first one to see the Risen Jesus. She knew who it was when he called her name.
Mary Magdalene
The book of acts records that Jesus ascended into heaven from this Mount named for the trees on it slope
Mount of Olives
They came to Bethlehem following a star from places in the east to give gifts to a king who was being born.
Magi or the wisemen
She was thought to be dead, but Jesus came to see her anyway at the request of her father and healed her and restored her to life and wholeness. She was only 12 years old a the time.
Jairus' daughter
It's what we call the times Jesus told his disciples what would have to happen in the future, that he would suffer, die and rise again.
Passion Prediction
This was the painful and humiliating why that Romans executed particularly nasty criminals or rebels.
Jesus got up from his supper and took a towel and began washing these parts of the disciples.
He was a priest in the Temple, who also had a son in a miraculous way. An angel appeared to tell him that he and his wife would have a child in their old age, that child would be a prophet, and his name was to be John.
He was the blind man that Jesus healed by restoring his sight on the road to Jericho.
It is a phrase Jesus used to teach his disciples that if they want to be great in the kingdom of heaven then they must be willing to serve the lowest and poorest people in their society, not rich and famous.
"the first will be last, and the last will be first"
It was the night of Jesus' betrayal and his last supper with his disciples. Jesus gave them a mandate or command to "love one another as I have loved you."
One who was sent out